Changeling, by William Ritter - pub date announced

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May 20, 2012
William Ritter, author of the justly famous Jackaby series, has begun a new series.
The overall title is The Oddmire. Book 1, Changeling, is to be published July 19, 2019.
Unusually (but not unheard-of), Ritter also drew the interior illustrations and the cover picture.
The cover has been revealed. But if anybody can get the so-called giveaway entry form to actually work, I'd be interested. ... ay-us-only

Excerpt from the blurb:
"After laying the changeling in a human infant’s crib, the goblin Kull is briefly distracted from his task. By the time he turns back, the changeling has already perfectly mimicked the human child. Too perfectly: Kull cannot tell them apart. Not knowing which to bring back, he leaves both babies behind.
Tinn and Cole are raised as human twins, neither knowing what secrets may be buried deep inside one of them. Then when they are twelve years old, a mysterious message arrives"


May 20, 2012
The Oddmire. Book 1, Changeling, by William Ritter.
I've now bought and read it. It's intended as a Middle-Grade book, for children around the age of ten or younger. As such, it's good for that age group. It's a little young for me (young for my grandchildren too) but I can see that it could be very appealing. The various difficulties are overcome partly by bravery of the two boys and the determination of the various mothers in the story. There were quite a few surprises and plot twists along the way, although the overall storyline is generally predictable (this _is_ intended for kids, after all).
After roughly 67 years of reading, I was able to pick out which boy was which from the hints, but not immediately. The psychological development of the boys is very believable.
Aesthetically, Ritter has a talent for understated poetic description. His illustrations (both cover and interior illustrations) are atmospheric and well-suited to the intended audience.
Note that this is book one of an intended series - at least a trilogy. So there are things that are not solved at the end. I await the sequels.
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