The Famous Five

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Oct 13, 2008
I had read, avidly, most of the Famous Five, wanted to be George, Six Cousins, all the Adventure series, Mallory Towers & most of Enid Blighton's other books as well. As a child that is, found one at a car boot, recently, original copy & started reading it & boy was it boring. :laugh:


New Member
May 18, 2017
I wish they hadn't removed Dame Slap from the Faraway Tree. They've also removed smoking from Blyton - which is crappy as we shouldn't hide that pretty much everyone smoked back then - in fact patients with lung cancer were encouraged to smoke as it was thought to help them


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Welcome to the forum, michelle! :)

I read the Famous Five and the Secret Seven when I was a kid (back in the early 80s). They were fun. ;) I really don't like the idea of 'updating' Enid Blyton... Blyton is Blyton, you don't need to 'update' her books or you take the period 'feel' out of the books. You may as well try to update Noddy or the Fat Controller or something. :p

Speaking of which, in the early 90s some people in the States wrote an updated version of the Bible to try to appeal to young people. It was called 'the New Living Bible'. I always loved the slant that the late, great Bill Hicks put on it:

"Now we have a bible out called 'The New Living Bible', it's the bible in updated and modern English. I guess to make it more palatable for people to read. But its really weird, when you listen to it.

"And Jesus walked on water. And Peter said, 'Awesome!'"

Suddenly we got Jesus hanging ten across the Sea of Galilee. Christ's Bogus Adventure, you know. Deuteronomy 90210, you know?" ;)

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