STICKY Troll Bridge European Premiere - Extra Tickets

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Feb 24, 2015
Good news for those of you who missed out on tickets for the European Premiere of Snowgum Films ‘Troll Bridge’.

The Premiere will happen at Ffwrnes Theatre in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales on Monday 27th May at 1pm.

There will only be one screening at 1:00pm followed by a Q&A with the team behind the film.

Originally its was to be screened in the smaller studio but it will now be screening in the main theatre and as a result there are another batch of tickets available.
The theatre seats over 500 so it should be an amazing atmosphere.

If you’ve already registered and got your free tickets for either of the previous announced screenings at Carmarthen Bay Film Festival, they will get you into the premiere, just make sure you are there for 1pm !

Tickets for this premiere are FREE.
Facebook event page is

You can get your free ticket here over on
Likes: ThinkingFox


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Hopefully This Link will take you to a few photos I took today. The film has been seventeen years in the making, since it was first crowd sourced. As time progressed and more volunteers came on board, the production got bigger. Technology improved so much that the cgi could be greatly improved. The film in produced and filmed in Australia and New Zealand and the New Zealand shots are spectacular. Many fans were in attendance, several of them in costume. I saw lots of Vimes's, Granny's and A-M Postmen as well as many more that I didn't recognise or are too numerous to mention.

We had some news about the first Welsh Discworld Convention in Llanelli next year with the theme being a Llamedos Holiday Camp (Granny Weatherwax will be judging the Glamorous Granny competition, so that she can't win it!). See details on a separate thread to sign up for more info.

I understand that Good Omens is going to be available to watch on Amazon TV from Friday? The Watch TV series is still in the pipeline and being produced for the BBC. There is also the possibility of a Wee Free Men film. The script has been written and it is supposed to be going to happen.
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There is also the possibility of a Wee Free Men film. The script has been written and it is supposed to be going to happen.
Rhianna Pratchett wrote the first draft of the screen play of Wee Free Men several years ago, before Terry's passing (she showed it to him for a birthday present). Narrativia announced about 2 years ago that they were partnering with the Jim Henson company to work on the production, but there hasn't been any news since then.
Likes: Tonyblack

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