DW Head-to-Heads

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We all like to imagine and live in the hope that certain DW themes are united in one book sometime in the future. The question is, why?

I tend to daydream about how certain characters would interact, for example.

- Nanny Ogg and her first reaction to Nobby Nobbs.
- Wouldn't it be cool if the Nac Mac Feegle kidnapped Vimes?
- Gaspode meets Greebo
- Cheery gets chatted up by Casanunda, the insatiable dwarf
- Rincewind and Granny Weatherwax thrown together as protaganists of a book. (he the ultimate coward, her the embodiment of pride and courage)

And the ultimate question - how would Vimes & Granny behave bouncing off one another? I'm torn between being ecstatic at the idea and wary that it wouldn't work.

Also to consider is characters anchored to certain areas; some of the most successful Watch books involve new and distant areas. It's no surprise and secret that my favourite Witches book is Witches Abroad for this reason.

Some of these prospects make me giggle and one or two strike me as I read a different DW book. However, sods law dictates that I can't remember even a quarter of them when it comes to posting them on here - so I want to know which character head to head you'd like to see. Even if it's just a humorous sideline to a main plot. Or what locations you think it would be interesting for different characters to visit?


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
I've always thought that it'd be amazing if Vimes and Granny were brought together for a "all-star" book, perhaps drawn to solve some kind of mystery involving a Ramtops villain that's made its way to AM.

They're almost caught from the same cloth--both cynical, blunt problem solvers who have little respect for authority and need others to help them keep a tight reign on their inner 'beasts.' Much of the fun of the book would be to see how the characters would go from mutual suspicion to grudging respect of each others' capabilities as they ultimately worked together to solve the mystery.


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