Terry and friends in Brighton this Sunday

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Dec 29, 2009
I've just got back from this (I nearly missed it through oversleeping after my weekend of work).

Sir Terry and Rob were joined by Rod Brown (managing director of Narrativia) with all three sitting on the stage and generally chatting, with Rob playing the role of 'interviewer'. The banter between them was superb and often hilarious with real laugh out loud moments; Sir Terry is still as quick as ever with his mind and wit, you'll be glad to know, although he did look somewhat frail when leaving the stage which I guess is the result of his embuggerance affecting his depth perception. At one point he did look like he was having difficulty putting down his glass of Courvoisier but I'm not sure whether that was due to his PCA or an unquenchable thirst. ;)

Apart from the Q&A session, Rob read an extract from Raising Steam and, whatever you do, should you be lucky enough to meet him, make sure you don't ask him to speak with a Yorkshire accent (unless your feeling particularly cruel and want to make him and your ears suffer). :laugh: I know you can't tell just from an extract but the book sounds like it will be excellent.

Rod wasn't about to release too much info about the Watch series at this time other than to say that script work was well underway for both the pilot and the first series. It is being aimed for airing after the watershed here (post 9:00pm) and, unlike the productions of Colour of Magic, Hogfather, and Going Postal, will be aimed at an adult audience. (It sounds like quite a bit of Going Postal, for instance, ended up on the cutting room floor due to compliance. :rolleyes: ) He also revealed as an exclusive that as well as Good Omens, Dodger was in the pipeline! :dance: (assuming that I heard right)

That's the highlights as far as I can remember them. Unfortunately, I couldn't get hold of a ticket for the after show party but it was an excellent afternoon nonetheless, lasting around two hours without a break. :laugh:

Oh and by the way, they got a standing ovation at the end! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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