David Tennant and Michael Sheen in "Lockdown"

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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
*ROFLOL!* The writing and acting is first-class, of course - but I just love the props. A mug with angel wings for a handle ... just perfect for Aziraphale. *lol*

And Crowley's "I'm bored! So very, very bored. Transcendentally bored" had me laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Thanks, =Tamar - and thank you, David, Michael, Neil and the crew! :) What a delightful surprise, as Aziraphale might put it ... ;)

(P.S. I loved the cake) ;)


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I watched this again ... brilliant. Crowley doesn’t want people to die of corona, and Aziraphale punishes burglars with cakes. *LOL*

By the way, if Aziraphale is such a good baker (his cakes are to die for) ... why does he always go out to eat at restaurants? ;)

(I know, I know - so he can eat out with Crowley. ;) But couldn't they order take-out one of those evenings? I notice Aziraphale was eating sushi at the start of this) :)


May 20, 2012
Aziraphale likes to do things properly, and he's in the habit of doing things as much as possible in the way humans do them. Baking is something that can be done with comparatively few ingredients, most of which keep well, but most other gourmet food requires fresh vegetables and-or fresh meat, eggs, dairy, etc. Ideally it comes out of the kitchen and is served at the perfect temperature. To cook it all at home in that tiny kitchenette he would have to use miracles. To have it delivered would mean it arrived at less than the perfect temperature, even if the chef could arrange delivery during a lockdown. Eating out is the only way to get the best food. That's not even taking into account the ambience. Ordinary take-out is all right but since he doesn't need to eat anyway, why settle for less than perfection?


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Right ... but since he never sells any (or very few) books, how can he afford to eat out so often? Not to mention dress the part - I assume he doesn't buy clothes, because he doesn't have that much money.

Okay, okay: we can take the easy answer and say, "A wizard did it and ran away." For "wizard", substitute "angel", "god" etc. etc... ;)

(Just not "wizzard". Rincewind wouldn't have money either) ;)


May 20, 2012
If I recall correctly, Aziraphale does buy his clothes. Heaven began restricting his major miracles, so he buys good quality and keeps them in good condition, possibly with the occasional minor miracle. (How else would he have known that miraculous cleaning would leave him "always knowing the stain was there"?)
Aziraphale needs to keep his clothing spotless. It's a primary metaphor of his existence. Angels must be spotlessly sinless. If he removes a spot, it means he knew it was there, and that's awfully similar to having allowed it to happen through a lack of vigilance. If it appears and vanishes without his doing anything, then it wasn't his fault. (The way we know Lady Macbeth is having pangs of guilt is that she is so obsessed with removing the evidence: "Out, damned spot!" The way some other people insist they are innocent of something is to say they didn't know it was happening; if they knew it was happening, then they are guilty of a coverup.)

We saw him miracle money, in 1601 at the Globe theater. (They tell me there's a little "magic happening" ting in the soundtrack for it, so it isn't sleight of hand.)

Making money happen was easier when it was all metal and there was no need to mess around with serial numbers on bank notes (that would be counterfeiting, while making another genuine coin is just increasing the general wealth by a small amount). He may even have taken the metals from undiscovered mines instead of creating it out of raw essence. The increasing reliance on bank notes following their invention may even be the real reason for the book shop. He does sell books occasionally, and he charges very high prices. He may have stashed genuine first editions of books he thought might gain value in miraculously hidden caves all over the place. He sells second editions quite happily (presumably because he knows he has a first edition for his own collection).

All those statues of angels in the shop... in the 19th century they could have been another source of income. There was another fad for angel-decorated stuff in the late 20th century, which could explain why they are still present, even disregarding his tendency to have souvenirs and reminders. (It may also be another way of covering up his existence. If someone says "Angel!" and a customer hears it, it can be explained away as someone reacting to a statue.)
Just binged watched the second series of "Staged" with Sheen and Tennant on BBC 1.
The cast includes Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Schwartz, Romesh Ranganathan, Michael Palin, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Christopher Waltz, Ewan McGregor, Hugh Bonneville, Jim Parsons, Ken Jeong, Josh Gad, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and Cate Blanchett.
Hopefully, with the US cast it should soon be available for the American market.
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