Discworld convention 2024

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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Wee free men are comin' to toon, I see. I wonder if anyone will dress up as a Feegle. ;) (Probably not; the UK in August is hot, but probably not as hot as allowing people to wander around shoeless).

I also wonder if anyone will dress up as Horace. How will they move about or communicate?

Having said that, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to costumes (and a total klutz with a sewing needle), so I don't think I'll have a costume. Pity. *thinks* If the Con was in winter, I might be able to dress up as Lewton (from the Discworld Noir game - I have a selection of Noir-inspired winter coats and hats. :) But it's not. Oh, well.)

Then again, I see next year's Nullus Anxietas is in winter. Maybe I could take some time off for that! (I work in healthcare, so time off is rare). ;) It'll be my first Con. Hooray! :)
Likes: Molokov
Plenty of photos allowed at conventions. Here's some Feegles from conventions past:

https://flic.kr/p/2fCGDqm https://flic.kr/p/2eiNi4c https://flic.kr/p/sexkJh https://flic.kr/p/rURSau https://flic.kr/p/rdWQrU https://www.flickr.com/photos/94035177@N03/8557416850/in/pool-nullusanxietasiv/

All photos (and a few videos) from previous Australian Discworld Conventions can be found via https://ausdwcon.org/about/previous-conventions/

(BTW, that Feegle balloon sculpture - and many more you may see throughout the galleries - were done by Matt Falloon, who's currently on the TV game show 'Blow Up' in Australia - about balloon creations)


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Oh, dear! The wee one looks sad to be a Feegle. =( (I'm sure a sweetie or two helped, though. Hopefully she didn't become a Wentworth). ;)

*LOL* Never saw those videos about how to wash my hands. Remember, cleanliness is next to ... plausible deniability.

I wonder how Lewton would wash his hands, given that he always has his gloves on. That's a trick I'd like to see (or, indeed, perform? I have some clothes that, put together, would be not unlike Lewton's). ;)


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I accidentally mis-read that as the Hilton Megapode for a second and thought "Wait, what?"

Now all I can think about is that hotel ringing to the sounds of "Ho! The Megapode!" ;)

(... although crossbow-wielding people dressed up as Mustrum Ridcully and yelling "Ho! The Metropole!" would presumably be acceptable, too? I hope) ;)
I get that they want to say 'membership' instead of 'ticket', because that is truly how a Discworld Convention operates. For the Australian Discworld Convention, we just use the two words interchangably (although there's a difference between a supporting membership and an attending membership/ticket - in that you can't attend unless you have the latter)


Dec 29, 2009
I accidentally mis-read that as the Hilton Megapode for a second and thought "Wait, what?"

Now all I can think about is that hotel ringing to the sounds of "Ho! The Megapode!" ;)

(... although crossbow-wielding people dressed up as Mustrum Ridcully and yelling "Ho! The Metropole!" would presumably be acceptable, too? I hope) ;)
There was a 'megapode' which did the tour of the various international conventions, so the hotels really did ring to sounds of "Ho, the Megapode!" (amongst other calls that have become tradition, for totally unrelated subjects.) :)


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Minor point of nitpicking: Suzie forgot about the shoes. They should be golden and have little wings, too. (See cover of "Going Postal"). Nice work with the rest of the outfit, though. :)

Sorry to nitpick, but you know how we STP fans are ;)

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