Discworld Mod for Skyrim

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Jul 25, 2008
The possibilities for lines are endless and if I had more time I would jump on board and send you lines, quests etc... as I already run a few rpg's DnD style.

Whats your time scale for this and what are the chance of it waiting a while until I finish a few projects I'm already involved with? I ask as I have hardly any free time at the moment to do a decent job on it.

Can it wait until May for instance?
If I send you some material I've written for a Pathfinder game, would you be able to adapt it?


Jan 31, 2014
I could probably adapt a lot of stuff. I am good at messing around with shit to get it to fit just for some reason I am overly nitpicky on my writing skills and it physically and emotionally drains me. I honestly don't get it but to each his own my brain just hates writing apparently. Building whole game worlds and programming it a go, writing /wrists lol

The timetable is pretty long honestly. We are probably implementing 6 hour sor so of game every 1.5-2.5 months and gettting voice actors for the roles needed and getting old voice actors to record new lines for the characters already in place in each stage so lines whenever shouldn't hurt too much. I am trying to vet the VA's pretty decently so we have ones that are around to stay and do more lines in the future as we add more quests etc

A lot of the quests have multiple parts to do After the main part is completed it's just we are focusing on all the main parts first, optional after.

So TL:laugh:R
We got time, sooner is always better as VA's tend to take their time lol but we should be ok
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
ddproductions83 said:
Ok I really need help here
As far as the main quests etc I am handling those but what I am lacking is conversation lines, combat lines idles hello goodbyes that would be appropriate for the characters

There is relatively no limit to what I can add I just lack the ability or confidence to do the random dialogue, especially after bastardizing whole books into a few hours of quests, it's painful.

So if anyone wants to help and think up things the player would say to a character and what they would respond with etc or just idle lines or combat taunts etc, I am getting the following characters into game in the next week or two and have a lot of voice actor roles filled so they are ready to record

And remember you have to take it from a perspective of someone who has no idea what is going on, so you cant just bust in and have the player ask a question they wouldn't have a clue to ask :p

Thanks in advance, and trust me adding lines is easy as shit writing them is a nightmare for me. Takes approx 1 min for me to put a line in game so be creative

Cohen = where ish the soft lavy/toilet paper
Nobby Nobs
Sam Vimes
Angua Von Uberwald
Moist Von Lipwig
Rufus Drumknot
Fred Colon
Maybe some for Vetinari


Jan 31, 2014
Well mini update, about to start rickrolling the first 3 major quests so will update more often, been waiting on assets and roles etc
Meet Inma the mended drums innkeeper



Jan 31, 2014
Well long time no update
So far The COhen Questline is implemented and Going Postal is partway done for part 1
Snuff will be next and already have the framework in for a Nobby/Colon Sidequest that is pretty epic on its own and involves fiery chickens of death
Also have a sidequest in that involves a Small God of mudcrabs and another to get a existential sword
And last but 100% not least
Meet Dr Daisy

And something Involving the Nobby/Colon Sidequest spoiler


Jan 31, 2014
Well another update for you not so talkative people

7 quests full implemented and almost 100% voice acted, 90+% bug free and 100% game breaking bug free with Vanilla Skyrim

Initial Cohen quest where he inadvertently saves Bethan (Kind of wanted to do him early because I am doing The Color of Magic and Light Fantastic as my ending massive questline for the mod and I needed to break something up but he does play a part)

Going postal Initial quest is done

A quest with Nobby and Colon is done that has almost nothing to do with any of the books besides the two halfwits getting captured multiple times and creating flaming chicken weapondry

The initial part of Snuff is almost completed

Quest with Dr Daisy completed (No real relation to discworld :)

Quest involving the Small God of Mudcrabs completed

Quest to retrieve a existential sword completed ( Slight relation to Discworld :)

Working on a second Nobby Colon quest involving a magic shop and crazy dungeon antics
Working on the initial quest to launch aspects of The Fifth Elephant where the player helps Angua hunt down a group of werewolfs eating humans, mention of Wolfgang is there
Working on a hamlet inspired quest, nothing really to do with Discworld
Working on stage two of Going Postal but lacking ideas on how to proceed lol, might hold off till phase 2
Working on finishing off the Arena first 5 fights
Working on second part of Snuff involving Wee Mad Aurther

All in all we are probably looking at 15+ hours of gameplay with repeat visits to areas bearing fruit as the second Nobby and Colon quest gets the player the "Distort Reality" spell, which, when used at areas designated by a specific magic glow, create new passageways and such to new areas to explore and treasure troves and unique boss fights

Honestly I have so bit off more than I can chew, but I'm fat and American so I'll keep on biting :)

Looking forward to a Alpha and will start wrapping it up as soon as a few more key quests are 100%


Jan 31, 2014
I could really use somebody for quest overview/writing
Specifically in the Granny weatherwax/Magrat Lancre area main/side quests
Firstly, be prepared to butcher pratchetts work lol
Hardest part about this IMO and what wears on me the most is dissecting and picking here and there for ideas etc
I find I have more fun doing random quests in themes instead of trying to mimic something in the books
Although I can say that I am trying to do as much as I can from The color of magic and the Light fantastic for phase 3 the ending of the main quests. It will be as epic as I can make it given my limited powers :p
All contact info is on the first post (I think)


Jan 31, 2014
First off
IDK why but we are making a dwemer female mechanical questline...

Second Detritus and some brief glimpses into quest #8 A Matter of Perspective, (I accidently triggered it via my "test" start box so said meh)

Also to head off anyone crabbing about detritus look, I work with what I can get my hands on, I am not in any way a 3d modeler, that was someone elses work I got permission for until/if I can find someone to do custom looking trolls, so we live with him not having a massive modified crossbow (for now)

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