Discworld Monopoly

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Aug 18, 2011
After Making Money came out and I got most of the Monopoly references, I set about designing a Discworld monopoly board based on Ankh-Morpork.

somoebody told me this had already been attempted, but was unable to provide references.

Does anyone know where to look for this, and if nothing ever came of the idea, anyone want to join me with ideas to pick up where I left off?

What would an A-M board, for instance, have by way of utilities (no public running water and certainly no electricity - and as for railway stations...) and what would the wording on Chance and Community Chest cards be?

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
For your public utilities there's always the other sort of water - and genial Harry King (of the Golden River) ;) and I suppose UU provides power of a magical kind? ;)

Chance - Fate and/or The Lady? :laugh: Community Chest - o_O Undead Coffers (Whom's Tomb?) perhaps? The Luggage might be best for that ;)


Aug 18, 2011
Interesting ideas!

Ilike the take on chance and community cards - Fate and The Lady.

Thinking streets: the Brown set (low-value) are obvious: the Old Kent Road becomes Shamlegger Street and Whitechapel Road becomes Elm Street.

The blue set, Angel Islington/Euston Road/Pentonville Road are next and slightly higher in value, but not much: Cockbill Street should be one. Pentonville Road has a prison on it. (and it's right next to the Go To Jail corner.) The Tanty?

Of course, at the high-value deep purple end, Park Lane can stay the same: Mayfair might become Scoone Avenue.

The green set are London shopping streets - so The Maul is a shoe-in for Oxford Street. Regent Street and Bond Street? (Zephyr Street, perhaps - the upmarket choclatiers. And Tenth Egg Street, home to dozens of small traders. )

Strand/Fleet Street/Trafalgar Square (red group) Fleet Street with its association with newspapers must become Gleam Street - home of the Times and the Inquirer. The Strand - University Fronts? Trafalgar Square - Broken Moons Plaza?

Whitehall/Northumberland (purple group ) . Whitehall is the centre of government - Broadway (Patrician's Palace) Northumberland -

Orange group - Bow/Marlborough/Vine. Bow Street is easy - Cable Street, perhaps, given its policing associations.

Yellow group - Leicester Square, Coventry Street, Picadilly.
Picadilly - Pseudopolis Yard?
Coventry - Holofernes Street
Leicester Sq -

The four stations - Guildhouses? (Assassins, Seamstresses, Beggars and Thieves).
Aug 13, 2011
How could you miss Trafalgar square being Sator square??!??!? :eek:
Sorry it's just more famous
Leicester square could be broken moons Plaza, or you could swap them.


Jul 25, 2008
I wish the powers that be would do an officially licensed Discopoly- I'm sure it would be an instant hit - are you listening Rob? Terry? Can this be done? Pretty please with a cherry on top! :rolleyes:


Nov 12, 2015
I actually made a basic version of a Discworld monopoly game (including cards). Would somebody be interested in me posting it here (Is it allowed?)?


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Christoph81 said:
I actually made a basic version of a Discworld monopoly game (including cards). Would somebody be interested in me posting it here (Is it allowed?)?
Feel free to post it here. Speaking for myself, I'd love to see it. :)


Nov 12, 2015
Okay, so here’s my little version of a Discworld monopoly game. A few things you need to know:
For starters, I’ve been working on this thing on and off for over a period of two years. So, the whole reasoning behind the placement of some streets might be a bit foggy to me now. At least I’m sure that, back then, I had a jolly good reason for each street placement.

I can, however, tell you the reasoning behind the tokens. They are: A shoe, Gaspode, A wineglass, Maurice, Dwarf gold, Wizard’s hat, Seamstresses tool, King Harry’s cart, The monstrous regiment, A vampire’s diary.
I left the witches out because they aren’t from AM (So that’s why my the cat is Maurice and not Greebo).

Now don’t be shy to tell me about any mistakes (especially spelling) or suggestions. The whole reason I made this was to have some kind of basis to work from. So any suggestion or even hands-on alteration(s) of this board and the cards, feel free.
Also, on a final note, I wish to stress that that picture of Vimes in the top right corner isn’t mine. I have however forgotten who it is from. I believe highly in fair-usage but credit where’s credit due.



City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I love these! :laugh: The concepts are really great. :)

Since I'm an author and editor, my brain is stuck in 'nitpick' mode, so I hope you won't mind if I point out the following... :oops: They're only very small and minor corrections, but hopefully they can make this game even better! :)

1. The light blue streets are still Angel Islington, Euston Road and Pentonville Road (as in the original). Perhaps change them to something more Discworld-centric? Perhaps Cockbill Street, Shamlegger Street and The Tanty?

2. Both the S-I-A-B and Sick Dragon Fund cards have one card with no description at all. Can you explain this, please? Is this something to do with DEATH? :(

Perhaps the S-I-A-B or SDF cards could be "YOU HAVE TEMPORARILY GONE BURSAR. TAKE YOUR DRIED FROG PILLS AND LOSE A TURN", or "YOU HAVE FOUND A BANANA FOR THE LIBRARIAN! OOK. ADVANCE TO 'DO NOT LET ME DETAIN YOU' (AND GAIN $200)". Or something along those lines? Feel free to feegle these if you like, or ignore them if you please. :)

3. I know this is a little much to ask - but if the cards had (perhaps) little illustrations to show what's going on, they would be even better. :) For instance, I'm not sure what's happening in the S-I-A-B cards that read "WHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! COLLECT $50,-", or "SQUEAK SQUEAK... COLLECT $100,-". Are they something to do with the Fools' Guild or the Death of Rats, by any chance?

4. Similarly, the Sick Dragon Fund card that reads "Advance to Scoon Ave..." is wrong - this should say "Scoone Ave". (My nitpicking brain again!) :oops:

However, these are all very minor things. Overall, the concept is fantastic! :laugh: Since it is clearly set in Ankh-Morpork, perhaps it should be called "Ankh-Morpork-opoly"... or not. :p As you can see, I suck at names. :p

Anyway. The game already looks awesome - I hope my suggestions help! :)


Nov 12, 2015
Cool, this was exactly my intention why I made these; people thinking, changing and suggesting different input. Very helpful advice. I’ll go by your points.

For starters, as I said before, it took a while for me to make these (it’s a hobby after all) so don’t expect any changes tomorrow.

1. Right, I figured there was something wrong here. I’m not too familiar with the original UK monopoly edition so I’ll change those. Maybe your suggestions. Shamlegger street has already been placed though –or should I change it?

2. I left two cards open to even out the picture. But I could put in your suggestions. I tried to come up with a Discworld equivalent for all the original cards but –as it turned out- different countries and versions use different cards. So there are already a bit more than in a standard game. But I agree, DEATH and the bursar are definitely missed (I also wanted to include Ridicully’s morning swim at one point).

3. The five exclamation marks are a reference to Masquerade and SQUEAK is DEATH OF RATS. Making illustrations would be a bit too tasking for me (sorry) –at least for all of them. I could insert an occasional picture to clarify (a phantom mask?), I’ll keep it in mind.

4.Perfect, I’ll change it.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Christoph81 said:
For starters, as I said before, it took a while for me to make these (it’s a hobby after all) so don’t expect any changes tomorrow.
No problems, I understand perfectly. :)

Christoph81 said:
1. Right, I figured there was something wrong here. I’m not too familiar with the original UK monopoly edition so I’ll change those. Maybe your suggestions. Shamlegger street has already been placed though –or should I change it?
If Shamlegger Street has already been used (and I probably just overlooked this!), :oops: then maybe you can use Chittling Street if you want to go for something squalid - it's right in the heart of the Shades, just next to Cockbill Street - or, if you want to go a bit more upmarket, then Treacle Mine Road is pretty good. :)

Christoph81 said:
3. The five exclamation marks are a reference to Masquerade and SQUEAK is DEATH OF RATS. Making illustrations would be a bit too tasking for me (sorry) –at least for all of them. I could insert an occasional picture to clarify (a phantom mask?), I’ll keep it in mind.
Hmmm... a phantom mask sounds good. :) I merely suggest illustrations to make things clearer for people who haven't had the good fortune to read Discworld yet. Maybe "WHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! COLLECT $50,-" could become "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! BEWARE!!!!! YRS, THE OPERA GHOST. COLLECT $50,-" , so anyone who hasn't yet read Maskerade would still get the joke. :)

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