Fun with the Ankh-Morpork Post Office ;-)

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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
So, I'm re-reading the A-M Post Office Diary, and came across a picture of Nobby as a Hogswatch Temporary Postman. He has his usual untidy hair, tiny cigarette, and cheeky grin, with a "Hogswatch Temporary" hat and a bulging Post Office sack.

Who's willing to bet he'll take the post home and read it for amusement? ;)

But this raises so many other questions, top of which is: can Nobby read? :eek:

But Nobby would probably say there's no need for those kind of in-sin-you ... in-sin ... slurs on his character. :)

The other question, of course, is: who in their right mind made Nobby a temp, even at Hogswatch? (Too much of Ye Olde Hogswatch Wine, perhaps?) ;)
Later on, we hear from Miss Maccalariat that acronyms such as SWALK, LANCRE and KLATCH are "acceptable on the backs of envelopes containing letters of a romantic nature".

However, HOWANDALAND, TWOSHIRTS and GENUA are not, unless they form part of the actual address.

This raises the inevitable question: what on Disc could these stand for that's so bad? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

Off the top of my head...

SWALK = Sealed With A Loving Kiss (obviously)

LANCRE = Love and Nostalgic Cisses*, Reggie Evil**

KLATCH = Kisses, Love And Tender ... Chocolate, Honey? :rolleyes:

HOWANDALAND = HOW About Neutralising Demon Avocadoes, Amorous Love And ... Nougat, Dear?

(Demon Avocaodes? Where did that come from?) ;)

TWOSHIRTS = To Woo Others, Simply Hire Individuals. Right? Tout Suite!

(No wonder Miss Maccalariat would ban that. EVERYONE knows that Quirmian is a filthy, filthy language) ;)

GENUA = GENUine Amorousness.

* Letter-writer didn't how how to spell.
** Letter-writer was Harry Evil's long-lost brother. But Miss Maccalariat is against the idea that Evil Dark Lords can be romantic.
So now it's your turn! :) Why is Miss Maccalariat so much against Howandaland, Twoshirts and Genua as loving acronyms? ;)
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