SPOILERS Men at Arms Discussion **Spoilers**

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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
The gonne appears to fire itself at times. It is not unknown for machinery on the Disc, especially new machinery, to become if not sentient at least independently active enough to make demands. So I choose to think that the gonne manifested another bullet.
Hmm. That's true, too -- look at
The Guitar
(in Soul Music), or Death's
Combine Harvester
(in Reaper Man) ... or the new
(in Raising Steam). Even the post takes on a life of its own in Going Postal. This is what happens in a world where so much belief "sloshes around". ;)

The problem with the Gonne is, I'm not sure if it's ever made clear that the Gonne does manifest a new bullet, or even can do it. Yes, the Gonne has its own voice; it is sentient. But what power does it have? We don't know (and we'll never know, since
Vetinari destroys it at the end of the book).


May 20, 2012
I'm not sure how to mark a spoiler so I'll just say that I think your last spoiler may have named the wrong person. But I could be wrong; I don't have the book to hand right now. I'm not sure the book actually named the person responsible.
Likes: RathDarkblade


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I'm not sure how to mark a spoiler so I'll just say that I think your last spoiler may have named the wrong person. But I could be wrong; I don't have the book to hand right now. I'm not sure the book actually named the person responsible.
Whoops! You're right, my apologies: upon looking it up, I found that
Carrot does it, not Vetinari.

And you can mark spoilers by ... you see the toolbar above your post (the one marked with B for BOLD, I for Italics, U for Underline and so on)? Keep following along, and next to the little "smiley" that opens the "smilies", there is a sub-menu (marked with three dots and a down arrow) called "Insert".

Click on this sub-menu, and "Spoiler" will be there. :)
Likes: =Tamar

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