Nation - No plot spoilers

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Nation

Les_le_Breton said:
Just finished Nation. I too found it a very moving book. It contains Terry Pratchetts' amazing insights into cultures ancient and modern. I personally think that it is far too important a book to be permanently labelled a "childrens' book." In many respects it is the 21st century equivalent of Gullivers Travels. Superficially it is like a fairy tale but, intrinsically within this structure is an immense critique of superstition and Nationhood itself.
I think this book should be placed on the reading list of the University of Life.
I agree! I would also put Terry alongside Swift and have often done so.

Welscome to the site Les_le_Breton! :laugh:
Nov 28, 2009
Malaga, Spain

Hi! I´m a new member here, and just finished Nation and had this urge to say how much I liked it. I didn´t think I would, not being a Discworld novel, but I felt it was like a "fresh air wave". I also agree that it's more than a young adult novel.
Feb 28, 2011

As a long time discworld fan I too was reluctant to go "off plot" when I got Nation as a xmas present but was I wrong. Its a very moving book, one of sir Terry's best.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: Nation

Erictheviking said:
As a long time discworld fan I too was reluctant to go "off plot" when I got Nation as a xmas present but was I wrong. Its a very moving book, one of sir Terry's best.
I was pleasently surprised at how good a book it was. Welcome Erictheviking! :laugh:


Feb 8, 2011
about the only TP book I didn't finish, couldn't get into it at all. There are a couple of DW books I've never re-read, Carpe Jugulum for one, Equal Rites for another, Thief of Time I'm not a great fan of; but Nation is the only book I haven't finished.


Jan 25, 2011
Hello!! I,ve just finished the book right now. It was a little dificult at the begining, I thought i was going to give it up sometime. but i made the effort, and it worth it. It makes me cried and no so many book does.


Sep 3, 2010
In Terry's Biography on PJSM Colin Smythe seems to think Terrys next book after snuff will be a sequel of sorts set in the world created for nation -
He has just finished his next work: another Commander Vimes/City Watch novel, called Snuff (with a working title of ‘Vimes on Holiday’). I had originally thought it was to be the third Moist von Lipwig novel, Raising Taxes – and oh how relevant is that title in Britain now! – but Terry moved away from that, and I think his next book will be a young adult novel set in the 19th century London of the alternate world of Nation.
Could be interesting
Nov 22, 2010
Winnipeg, Canada

I loved Nation - despite it being a non-discworld novel. As with many themes in the disc-world Sir Terry managed to make some real sociological points without upsetting some group because they couldn't see past the setting to the message.

I'm over 50 and teared up a couple of times when reading it for the first time, and always feel moved every time I read it. To be able to cover such a moving story and still have humour in it - well, that is what makes a Prachette novel so good.

I remember reading Joseph Conrad and HATING it, the story was so black, depressing and horrible, but the writting was so good - I could feel the characters in my head - I felt for all the charcters in Nation, but the 3 gifts of Pandora were there too - maybe that's why Sir Terry is fun to read - he still has hope etc...

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