Nation Paperback

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Jan Van Quirm said:
They're pretty lousy ones in that case. :laugh:

With a polynesian-type culture if they had tattoos they'd be much darker and more than likely a kind of swirly pattern like the maoris have perhaps - besides Terry'd have said if he had tats wouldn't he?
Terry actually said he 'didn't' have tattoos. He was supposed to get some when he got back to the island to show he was a man, but there was no one there to give them to him. :)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I think you are probably right about it being shadow - it may be clearer on that actual book. I should add that I think it's a really good cover - despite my comments. :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Tonyblack said:
I like it! :laugh:

Although I'm not sure about Mau wearing a grass skirt.
You never said you didn't like it at all - just nit picked on the details which isn't the same ;)

I haven't read the book yet (still! :oops: ) but I did listen to the recent radio version. Visually the original blue(ish)/silhouette cover is simple and impactful, but this one's much more illustrative and traditional of course, which suits the archaic placement of the storyline - and it's very well drawn too.

I think I prefer the original for its simplicity and for not being conformist - which is in total harmony with the theme of not accepting that 'it's always been that way' and challenging what you've been told to accept. However, I do like the depiction of Daphne on this cover very much as she really does look like a ghost girl in that shaft of sunlight :laugh:
Jul 26, 2008
Jan Van Quirm said:
However, I do like the depiction of Daphne on this cover very much as she really does look like a ghost girl in that shaft of sunlight :laugh:
i don't know the englis's version but the white of Daphe really "jump at our eyes". We see it very well. And she's really as a ghost

the the originaly cover, with his simplicity is pure, and the dolphin is so important too !!!
Jul 26, 2008
I ask for Amandine Labarre :

It's some shadows on the back of Mau. It's for create a link with this caracters on the first "floor" of the picture and the nature. And for his skin is not nude, becauce the nature is verry present on the picture


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
BaronBreton said:
I ask for Amandine Labarre :

It's some shadows on the back of Mau. It's for create a link with this caracters on the first "floor" of the picture and the nature. And for his skin is not nude, becauce the nature is verry present on the picture
Thanks BB! :laugh:


Nov 26, 2008
I loved this book and I loved the play I went to see at Broad way, the one that was beemed live from the national theater. I found the book very moving emotional and makes you think about what has happen to other people around theworld who have to deal with sunamies (big waves). I wont say much more incase theres people rading this who have not read the book. :laugh: its defantly worth a re read

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