Nation sequel?

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Apr 4, 2009
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum as you may have guessed. However, I'm a definate (albeit a new-ish) fan of Mr.Pratchett, having spent the last few years systematically reading the Discworld series from the Colour of Magic onwards... ;)

...Anyway, to the whole point of this post. I have recently finished reading Nation, despite being a bit uncertain of it due to its ''off-Disc'' setting. I'm glad to say though, it was great. Loved it from start to finish.

But I was wondering, do any of you think that there will be a sequel to the Nation? Or was it just a one-off distraction from the Disc? Personally I would like to see more books set in the South Pelagic Ocean in the future.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Hi there Burnalot and welcome to the site. :laugh:

To be honest I'd be very surprised if we were to see a sequel to Nation. The story is (I think) pretty much told without adding to it.

It's one of those cases I suspect, where an idea has arrived in Terry's brain and he's had to put other things to one side to get it down. This has happened several times to Terry (just like those atoms of inspiration sleeting through the Multiverse) - it happened with the Tiffany books for example. :)

But never say never - who knows what might happen in the future? :)


Apr 4, 2009
Well, I must say thank you very much for the fast and helpful replies there guys! :laugh:

I've been reading the posts on this forum for some time now and it seems to be a really nice place for fans of the Terry Pratchett books to get to grips with the different stories, characters and concepts raised.

So, I think I'll stick around here for a while! Thanks again for the friendly welcome.

baruch menachem

Mar 26, 2009
Well, the way the book ended (Which I didn't like, but I am a 'die for our ship' kind of reader anyway) was pretty definitely an ending.

I imagine Terry could do a love story between dolphins.... But I am not into Furry P0rn, and I don't think he is either.
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
Hope there aint another one in the line as I found the Book hard going and lacking (in most parts) the comic characterisation of the Discworld Books... but that is only My opinion.

Some loved it some not so quite a Marmite Book. :eek:

baruch menachem

Mar 26, 2009
It is a welcome answer to Lord of the Flies, that is for sure.

I think several of the books that are relatively unpopular here (Mostly because of the subject matter) are right up my alley because of what they cover. Also because it is obvious that Terry did the research.

Anyway, I like the level of understanding of people's needs and fears that Terry shows, even when they are being no where near as good as they should be.

I was very bummed about the ending, as I thought the ship should have sailed, and it would have created a huge leap in human progress if it had. From a Darwinian perspective, a huge purge of gene pool, and combining the best possible features of what remained was so obviously a positive, that I kind of worry that Terry chickened out because of the implications.

Anyway, the meat of the book up until Daphne (to me anyway, YMMV) made the really stupid decision at the end, was interesting and intelligent and compassionate.
Apr 22, 2009

Hi everyone I'm new to the forum.
I think that Nation is probably my fave TP book, though i've only read about 10 books.
although yeah i agree that the end of the book was a strong ending and does'nt leave much in terms of a sequal though overall I thought it was a brilliant one off book :)
Jun 3, 2009
Tonyblack - To be fair, the Tiffany books did take place on the Disc, though, just not in Ankh-Morpork.

I think Pratchett just had an idea and decided it should stand on its own, but I don't think I want a sequel. If there isn't a way to continue - nothing tying the first book to a second, for example - then trying to go on would just ruin it [the second book, not the first]. I just want more Discworld novels - that's got a lot to follow on with =D


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Discworld_Lord said:
Tonyblack - To be fair, the Tiffany books did take place on the Disc, though, just not in Ankh-Morpork.

I think Pratchett just had an idea and decided it should stand on its own, but I don't think I want a sequel. If there isn't a way to continue - nothing tying the first book to a second, for example - then trying to go on would just ruin it [the second book, not the first]. I just want more Discworld novels - that's got a lot to follow on with =D
Welcome to the site! :laugh:

I agree with you about Nation probably being a one off - my point about the Tiffany series was that Terry has said that the idea for the books came to him and he felt he had to write them - even putting other projects on hold while he was doing so. Nation was much the same. :)

But who knows? The Johnny maxwell books and the Nomes books all ended up as series - maybe Terry will find he has more to say about Nation.
Jun 3, 2009
Thanks ^-^

I see, I didn't know that. (I tend to be the one who just reads it all, then learns about the other stuff through gossip.) I can understand about having to write them, though, even if they're totally different...I'm glad he did, that's how I got into the Discworld series. My Mom read Nation in one day. She really liked it.

Maybe...but I don't think he'd make a book just on a whim, not unless there was something he could follow up on - he's done that with all his other books. I wonder what he could use to tie it to a second?
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland

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