Random reflections on A-M Guilds (and others)

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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Currently reading about the A-M Fools' Guild, I thought of offering them the following verse as their anthem:

Welcome to the House of Pun!
Wear a cummerbund...

(A parody of this song by the most British of British bands, obviously, and probably easy enough to adapt -- but the Senior Fools will, no doubt, hit me with bladders on sticks for creating an unapproved joke).
Another thought: Mustrum Ridcully is also known as Ridcully the Brown. It could be because he loves brown sauce (along with all kinds of other sauce), but it's probably a reference to Radagast the Brown, friend to all birds of Middle-Earth (and especially Mirkwood, where he lives). Unfortunately, in the "Hobbit" movies, he is portrayed with bird-doings in his hair. So here's a song for him:

Why do birds suddenly appear
every time you are near?
Just like that
they think your hat
is their loo!

...and so on. ;)
Finally, as for Antigonus from Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" (who is given the instruction "Exit, pursued by a bear") ... a very exciting development! ;) A manuscript was recently found in Shakespeare's handwriting, very damaged but still legible. It reads:

Why dost bears s_dd_nly app__r
everye tyme thou art n__r?
Unlyke me
They th_nk "Yummye!
Munch onne thee!"

(The rest is, alas, obscured by smudges, possibly from food) :devil:

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