SPOILERS Star Trek: Into Darkness **SPOILERS**

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Mar 19, 2011
Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little robbed by the new Star Trek movie?

I went to watch it on Tuesday and it's still niggling at me. I have no problem having a plot line that includes Khan, after all they are in an alternate reality not years after Shatner's crew. What annoys me though is how they won't let go of the original movies.

Why do they keep insisting on giving Nimoy cameo roles? Also the whole Kirk dying in the radiation chamber? Really? Can't they think olf something more original than that?

It's really gotten to me and I feel like all I've done is go and see another pointles remake of a classic film.

Thoughts people?

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK - so Nimoy was dubbed/cleaned up a bit :p

I don't think it's exactly a remake and certainly having
Kirk die instead of Spock
did make sense I thought and making
Khan's DNA the 'Genesis/Terra-forming' plot device
was quite a nice touch whilst not straying too far from the dynamics of classic Trek?

I like the way new Kirk gets battered and how new Spock can get mad without necessarily losing his logical integrity - Zachary Quinto is divine in the role in being completely true whilst doing it totally without it being an impression of the equally cerebral Nimoy original. For that alone the reboot is for me is a total success, but I kind of get how you feel 'Tino, because the whole 'feel' of the thing's different to the original because the upgrade in SFX makes it all so much slicker. The only real complaint I've got against it as a franchise is that it moves too quickly visually at times, but I'll put that down to my own advancing years and antipathy to gaming vid culture... :oops: :laugh:


Aug 25, 2011
Nth Notts
and, in the original
Captain, not Admiral, Christopher Pike was not killed
. . . . I know they're supposed to be in an alternate reality, but they are not consistent with that either. As with some threads they try to hold true to the series and previous films, in other threads ~ as in my spoiler ~ they do not.

Still liked it though :laugh:


Jul 28, 2008
jaeger said:
I know they're supposed to be in an alternate reality, but they are not consistent with that either. As with some threads they try to hold true to the series and previous films, in other threads ~ as in my spoiler ~ they do not.
If the plots were all the same, they'd be a bit boring to watch ;)

I'm enjoying the reboot, but they don't need to use familiar elements, it seems a bit cheesy. Khan also wasn't this evil until he'd been stuck on Ceti Aplha V for years, but maybe Marcus did this to him. Really hope Carol Marcus doesn't stick around, I don't want to see Kirk turn into a family man :(


Jul 28, 2008
Yes, but this time she's shown up pre-pregnancy. Which makes me worry that they'll end up getting married or something awful like that.


Mar 19, 2011
I can't see marriage on the cards as it doesn't fit with Kirk's character. Hopefully she'll just be in the next movie as a fling as in thewrath of Khan movie Kirk wasn't even aware that he had a son


Jul 28, 2008
TwoShotTino said:
I can't see marriage on the cards as it doesn't fit with Kirk's character.
Which is why it would be awful. And why they might actually do it - Spock has a girlfriend now, after all :eek: And we know that Kirk had some regret in later life that he never managed to find the right woman and settle down.

TwoShotTino said:
in thewrath of Khan movie Kirk wasn't even aware that he had a son
He knew he had a son, but Carol wasn't stationed on the Enterprise when she got pregnant and Kirk was travelling the universe, so she asked Kirk to stay out of David's life. David didn't know that Kirk was his father. So the implication here is that if she was stationed with Kirk when she got pregnant, she might not want to be a single parent.
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
Got to see the movie.

Personally. I liked them taking the classic stories and twisting them. The opening scene being an ep from the series if I remember right. How Praxis is shown to be already destroyed. etc

How they handled Khan i enjoyed as well. for a time it seemed liked they might have changed it to where Khan becomes the good guy. But no, sadly as I wouldn't have minded that. but it would have been too hard to swallow that much change in the universe for some.

It was predictable at times. I knew Pike was going to die the second he made Kirk his first officer. and since they showed the tribble scene earlier once the wrath of death death sequence started I knew he was going to die and be brought back with that. but I still enjoyed how they did. was still a well performed scene.

Overall is a really fun movie. I loved it alot. :laugh:

My main gripe though is the trailers. the hand on the glass scene was shown in the trailers. also the ship crashing in the water scene. though with that they messed with you by making you think it was the enterprise. Also, they tried so hard to deny this was going to be about Khan (much like how they denied Talia was going to be in the Dark Knight Rises). then undermined themselves with the death scene hinted at in the trailers. they should have just embraced the fact Khan was going to be in it and used that.


Jul 28, 2008
Anyone remember where the dead tribble came from? Was it mentioned? I'm just confused about where they would get one tribble from.


Jul 28, 2008
Wasn't it the Vengeance?

As for the tribble, they say they've got Hary Mudd's ship on board, and use it to go to Kronos. I think "The Trouble With Tribbles" was the episode after "I, Mudd", so if they've met Harry Mudd, they've presumably met tribbles recently as well. It's a bit of a stretch, but they don't say where it came from so I'm just guessing o_O


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
I kind of enjoyed it.

After Sherlock was revealed to be Khan, it was mostly spotting callbacks/reworking to Wrath of Khan for me, which tarnished my enjoyment in general. But my friends without any Star Trek history really enjoyed it.

The Kirk dying to radiation part was pretty good. Spock yelling "KHAAAAAN" pretty awful :)


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Dotsie said:
Wasn't it the Vengeance?

As for the tribble, they say they've got Hary Mudd's ship on board, and use it to go to Kronos. I think "The Trouble With Tribbles" was the episode after "I, Mudd", so if they've met Harry Mudd, they've presumably met tribbles recently as well. It's a bit of a stretch, but they don't say where it came from so I'm just guessing o_O
Okay, letting my true geekiness show here, but it was Cyrano Jones, not Harry Mudd, who was the tribble-seller from TOS. Harry Mudd originally appeared in an episode from the first season. I didn't catch the reference in ST:ID, but if they mention Harry Mudd instead of Jones then it's either a re-boot thing or the writer mixed up the two grifters (who are essentially the same character anyway). :oops:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Willem said:
I kind of enjoyed it.

After Sherlock was revealed to be Khan, it was mostly spotting callbacks/reworking to Wrath of Khan for me, which tarnished my enjoyment in general. But my friends without any Star Trek history really enjoyed it.

The Kirk dying to radiation part was pretty good. Spock yelling "KHAAAAAN" pretty awful :)

I agree with all of this. It was far too wedded to "The Wrath of Khan" and TOS Khan episode. This stuff added a level of unneeded camp to a film that had a lot of other good things going for it. And, like the first Abrams ST movie, it had its "Galaxy Quest" moments, like Scotty having to run a marathon across the Marcus ship and Kirk having to crawl through an engine chamber the size of a small moon to get to the engine thing that just needs a few kicks to realign itself. It makes you wonder, who's making starships these days, the Chinese?


Jul 28, 2008
raisindot said:
Dotsie said:
Wasn't it the Vengeance?

As for the tribble, they say they've got Hary Mudd's ship on board, and use it to go to Kronos. I think "The Trouble With Tribbles" was the episode after "I, Mudd", so if they've met Harry Mudd, they've presumably met tribbles recently as well. It's a bit of a stretch, but they don't say where it came from so I'm just guessing o_O
Okay, letting my true geekiness show here, but it was Cyrano Jones, not Harry Mudd, who was the tribble-seller from TOS. Harry Mudd originally appeared in an episode from the first season. I didn't catch the reference in ST:ID, but if they mention Harry Mudd instead of Jones then it's either a re-boot thing or the writer mixed up the two grifters (who are essentially the same character anyway). :oops:
It was indeed, but despite the gap of several episodes between the two, the stardates are actually very close together. So I'm wondering, does this mean that as they've just met Harry Mudd, they've also just encountered tribbles for the first time? :think:

So I'll see your geek, and raise you a nerd ;)


Jul 28, 2008
raisindot said:
It was far too wedded to "The Wrath of Khan"
It was. I don't think it had to much to do with 'Space Seed' though, in that Khan could be quite charming, and ultimately was happy to start a new life on an uninhabited planet with his new girlfriend. He was a bit of a rascal*, but Kirk still managed to survive a fist fight with him, and it was his later experiences (girlfriend dying) that made him evil.

Check out the fist fight between Khan and Kirk in engineering. So obviously two stuntmen, you even see close ups of their faces :laugh:

* well, he tried to blow up the Enterprise

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