The new Dr. Who

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Dec 7, 2010
I remember watching a doco on ethnic actors in the series called Race Against Time, on the DVD of The Mutants (narrated by Noel Clarke, aka Mickey Smith). They speculated whether they would have a black actor portraying the Doctor. Well, it's happened. My only concern is that he's competent for the role, and that, unlike poor Jodie Whitaker, he actually has some good writing behind him. The Thirteenth Doctor had a lot of wasted potential, and it doesn't help that Chibnall seemed to go out of his way to make her unlikeable at the worst possible times.


Dec 7, 2010
Just so you know, this guy's first name is apparently pronounced 'Shooty'. And the sad thing is, his new companion will be called...Rose. Goddammit, RTD, could you at least have an original first name for your companion? I wouldn't mind if you used 'Tyler' as a surname, it's still pretty common, but the top of my head, I can think of only two TV companions who had the same first name, and even that was spelled differently. Specifically, Sara Kingdom and Sarah Jane Smith. K9 and Romana don't count, and neither do Vicki or Victoria...

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