The WATCH Trilogy - homage to Sir pTerry?

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Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
I am halfway through Sergei Lukyenko's The Last Watch, the sequel to the Watch trilogy.

Imagine my one little brain cell's delight when it comes across the word/s GOLEMS and made by scientists (ok slight difference) as well as they were made from clay.

Helloo, says little brain cell (having to work overtime). So, it transpires the Others (both sides and Inquisition) are Pratchett fans, hey?

Sorry if this spoils anyones enjoyment of the The Watch Trilogy and the one after!

These books are not what I thought they'd be i.e Vampire-gothic-total wipeout.
In general I thought them all a thoroughly good read about those protecting the human race -good and bad. I also thought it a good eye-opener on life in Russia. An excellent read. Not for those who are frightened of Vampires.
Only niggle was that It didn't explain the begining of the Russian jokes. I would have liked to have known what they were!
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
meerkat said:
I am halfway through Sergei Lukyenko's The Last Watch, the sequel to the Watch trilogy.

Imagine my one little brain cell's delight when it comes across the word/s GOLEMS and made by scientists (ok slight difference) as well as they were made from clay.

Helloo, says little brain cell (having to work overtime). So, it transpires the Others (both sides and Inquisition) are Pratchett fans, hey?
Golems are typical in Jewish folklore. :)I have the 1st three books not got round to reading them yet, but have seen the two films looking out for the 3rd if it gets made. :)
There is definitely a touch of the feeling from Pratchett's later DW books in the Watch Trilogy. The same kind of, OK there's Trolls, Dwarfs, and Gnomes, but with vampires, werewolves, and most background characters generally being nasty minded people who would sell their own granny for a dollar, (or at least rent her for a few hours), there's none of the fairytale "We must defeat the evil king and save the little elves" vibe that accompanies a lot of fantasy novels, (not a bad thing of course, mostly). Which is a similar feeling I got from Lukyanenko's books, which I think is born in part from the fact that these are Russian stories, set in Russia with no consideration for western audiences, (Definitely a good thing) as well as the deviation from the usual swords and sorcery.

Regarding the 3rd film. I'd read that the chances of it are quite slim. Apparently Timur Bekmambetov was all set to make all three films. The studio however has other ideas. Basically, the film Wanted, (James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie), is actually what should have been The Twilight Watch. Indeed Bekmambetov describes it as an American version of The Watch. I wouldn't hold your breath for The Twilight Watch. Not from the same director anyway.


Jun 17, 2010
About the watch films. From what i believe, which may or may not be true, the Day Watch film amalgamated the last 2 books to some extent. Although i have yet to see Day Watch, and i have not read the books yet. But if they come reccomended then they may be my next purchase.

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