Anyone else love the use of time and seasons in.Discworld? They become almost another character pulling you throughout the book. The freezing winters in The Truth, Hogfather and Wintersmith. The rain trapping the Lancrastians in Wyrd Sisters. The restless midsummer-night's-dream in Lords and Ladies, and hot summer to autumn in Reaper Man'. Unseasonal midsummer weather in Night Watch. The "dance of the sneaso's" (snerk!) in Wintersmith, where I visualise the Cornucopia &c as rather like those Arcimboldo paintings where the space around the subjects is made up of food and harvest items--the potential for spring, summer and plenty. Autumn fogs in Feet of Clay , Carpe Jugulum and Masquerade. And the jarring transitions between midwinter and hot summer as the Unseen faculty travel to Fourecks and discover some really rapid evolution. (one thing I don't love in the Discworld books is PTerry's choice not to use chapters in almost all the books, because it makes them a pig to navigate on a Kindle)