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Feb 8, 2011
I'd rather assumed that the references to Vetinari's great project, "The Undertaking" coupled to various references to the dwarfs buillding water-tight tunnels, pointed in that sort of direction.. although in overall terms I'd suspect that a canal network was probably nearer the mark


Tonyblack said:
LilMaibe said:
Weren't some things just thrown at the reader? Like the transportation system? Or did I miss a short story.
There has been a rumour after Thud! that there was going to be an underground railway system in A-M. But as far as I know, that's never actually happened yet. :)
been talking bout the trollcabs etc.

an underground in AM might not happen, you can't transport the madness of the london underground to AM.


Feb 8, 2011
I'd always had the impression of Ankh-Morpork being built on an eminence of some sort, like Ely or Norwich above the flat plains all around. An underground canal network would make all sorts of sense.
Finished! Liked it a lot more than Making Money, not in my top ten by any means but I like the below the new characters and the change of dynamic between the wizards. I think that one minus point is that a lot of the jokes seen to be food to death, eg Nobbs, old mum... Have to say Hix is way better in this than the last book, is if even the same character? Can't wait to read ISWM and Snuff!


Something else that springs to mind if you think about it...
The last will and testament that causes all the football ruckus in the UU states -every 20 years- now didn't it? (IIRC)

Wouldn't that mean the wizards already failed to fulfill that requirement? If we go by the fanmade/assumed timeline, CoM is more than 20 years back at the time of UA...therefore, as no member of the faculty remembers to have ever played an official football match....

(Sorry if someone else pointed at this already, I haven't found it in th thread)

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
rockershovel said:
I'd always had the impression of Ankh-Morpork being built on an eminence of some sort, like Ely or Norwich above the flat plains all around. An underground canal network would make all sorts of sense.
Where I live, Ely is the scum of my city, the place with the highest rate of crime. My dad said:
' Tie a ring to a brick and chuck it through a window - that's how you get married in Ely.'
And he grew up there.

He also loves discworld.
Okay random topic over.


On a final sidenote from here:

The thing I personally find most disappointing with UA is that it feels like a bad fanfiction that would have needed just some tweaking to make it awesome :( (Sorry if this sounds impudent)
Really not much, kick out some characters, move another from here to there, shuffle around some motives and -tadah-


Feb 10, 2010
my thoughts exactly, i mean as a novel it was good but for a pratchett book it was lacking, which was dissapointing as it had the poental to be epic.


Even neater:
The whole book could be undone with a single paragraph... something like *ponders* something maybe like this:

"Say, what was that business with the 'orc' all about?", asked the younger man, a curious eyebrow risen at Stibbons.
"We wondered about the same, actually", that one shrugged, "turned out Mr de Worde had a new trainee at the Times who manged to mess up several articles and the serialised novel from page 12 and write it all as if it were one story."

(don't mind me, I'm sugarhigh I think)


Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
I think they should have had a john Motson approach to telling the footie match. It came over a bit boring and I must admit I skipped the repeating of Macarona's titles. Other than that, still say it seemed a bit of a goodbye book! I've read it four times now and still feel the same!


You know WHAT I am happy about for UA? In terms of the whole 'love it or hate it, there's nothign in between' affair surrounding it?
That the Discworldfandom has none of the zealous, rabid sort of fans that would flood pages like ff net with so called 'Fix Fics' or do worse. The Harry Potter Fandom already suffers enough from that sort of people >_<

(I know, further up I noted down how the story could easily be moved out of the canon, but heck, I don't write a 300 chapter fic out of it and claim my idea is better than the original. And I am not so stupid as to utter deathtraps towards the author for writing it... Heavens, I feel sorry for Ms Rowling at times...)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Yes, I think the same when I hear Stephen reading all the dwarfish dialogue in Thud! :laugh:

I have to say Lil - that I don't think of UA as a love it or hate book. I think there's a lot of really good stuff in there, but that there's too much going on and too many threads that don't always work. But I don't hate it or love it. :p


It certainly is the book where quite a lot of people say it's the worst of the whole series and that it feels like a bad fanfiction.

EDIT: Attempt to read it again. Failed... Now feel like writing a review/rant X(


Jul 15, 2011
Oh, dear...

Before I start - what's the difference between character development and out-of-character? This is in regards to Vetinari. I think he's just changing, personally (but I am new to the Disc).


It actually took a couple of months for me to get into it (I bought it, started it, got bored, put it down, read something else, saw it sitting there and picked it back up again) but by the end, I couldn't put it down. Funny how that happens. But I don't think I would read it again. Admittedly, it wasn't a masterpiece in my opinion (some of it paced strangely, some parts which were meant to be a payoff didn't quite ring with me, etc.).

'Drunk' Vetinari made me weep with laughter. I thought that the scene began with him being more talkative than usual at the beginning and suspected something was up. However, his story about watching mother feed babies with mother and babies was chilly, a weird moment of darkness in what was usually a light-hearted novel, but it's one of my favourite bits. I also loved Nutt, I think there's a lot of room for a lot of development in his character.


Archaeologist said:
I also loved Nutt, I think there's a lot of room for a lot of development in his character.
For that he needs to get character to begin with. Instead of just glorious traits. Seriously, that bugger has not a single flaw. And if something looks like a flaw at first glance it also turns out to be a 'lovable charactertrait' :|
How did a blatant, boring Mary Sue (okay, Gary Stu) onto the Disc? WTH?
(sorry, that [term used to describe him has been censored] is my personal berserk button and the thing that ruined the book for me *rantrantrant*)

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