2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
OK! OK!! :laugh: 54 all-characters decks are an option - depending on how long people want to wait to have something to play with? ;)

Seriously - we could do several sets and still not run out of options so I'll get a poll going over the weekend; the creatively gifted can maybe look at existing work they'd like to contribute if it fits or do from scratch and I'll get a very basic template going :)

Perhaps what we could do is set up a catalog to fit the template and people can use set decks as we formulate them, or make up their own altogether from a mix of what's been produced?


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Jan Van Quirm said:
OK! OK!! :laugh: 54 all-characters decks are an option - depending on how long people want to wait to have something to play with? ;)

Seriously - we could do several sets and still not run out of options so I'll get a poll going over the weekend; the creatively gifted can maybe look at existing work they'd like to contribute if it fits or do from scratch and I'll get a very basic template going :)

Perhaps what we could do is set up a catalog to fit the template and people can use set decks as we formulate them, or make up their own altogether from a mix of what's been produced?
Brilliant idea Jan. Cards 2 - 10 with a template (border with the suit and denomination and existing artwork to fit inside the border) and special artwork to honour the picture cards. A bit of photoshopping should make the two-way option easier.
Whoa, a full character deck?
I was thinking maybe the 12 face cards, 2 jokers, and the aces for character pictures, and even then, choosing the characters is pretty hard.

I imagined organizing the characters based on their personality, like Carrot for King of Hearts, Rosie as Queen of Hearts, and Casanunda as Jack of Hearts. Or is that too complicated?

And that brings up stylistic features...
Should we have the traditional 4-5 color palindrome cards with thick outlines, or just clear outlined regular pictures set inside the template square?
Hm, if we're doing art for the Jesters and Aces, that's 18 pieces altogether.
Who else would be willing to do art? Would Anilori? Except she's not very active around here anymore; we'd probably have to look for her on the Disc Monde forums.

There are Discworld artists on Deviantart that might volunteer. Is this a forum only thing, or can we recruit others to do a piece or two?

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sjoerd :rolleyes: :laugh:

Jane/Mystmoon - I'd rather keep it to members of this forum, but some of our art contributors are on Deviant too. :)

Whatever happens we know we're doing 4 face cards per suit (incl Aces) plus Jokers (executive decision - we use the Clowns Guild as Jane says but not Verence. Will come back on that later ;) ) - that's 18 in all. There's BatrickPatrick too, although she's not been on much either lately - I think it's down to our arty types all being younger and up to their ears in exams etc :( However - term ends in a few days so that's in our favour and if worse comes to worse then would you be OK to split the suits between just the 2 of you? :laugh:

Does anyone know what's happened to Cheery? I know she's really busy between school and work so it may be she's had to drop coming over here, but I know she's on deviant and so's Anilori, so can we can try and get in touch with them. That makes a 4 way split easy enough if they want to participate and we're still keeping it in the family as it were... ;)

All 54 character cards can be done ad hoc if people want to carry on with making up random sets to go on the basic template.

OK - Jokers. Dr. Whiteface yes - and for the other how about a version of the Boffo ad? I'm afraid my memory's shot today but isn't there a little piccy like that in Wintersmith? Alternatively if we want an actual clown then how about the poor little guy who got shot in Men at Arms? Forgot his name too :oops:

The only other thing is the back design - I can do that myself as I'm working on the template (tomorrow in fact) by adapting some of the art from the leaflets/bookmarks for the convention - which Transworld have already approved so this is no different really ;)

Will have the design template ready early next week 8)


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Sjoerd3000 said:
poohcarrot said:
Jane said:
Aw, the poll is locked. :(
Arrgghhh! :eek: They're after me! They've seen through the Pigletonion disguise. I voted and now the poll's shut down. :eek:
Come with me if you want to live ;)
:eek: Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1? :eek:

Don't trust him Pooh! er I mean "Banana!"
Trust NO-ONE!
Run Pooh! ... bleeding heck... "BANANA" Run!
Run like you have never run before and then run some more!
(oh and don't forget your asthma inhaler)

I have been up all night making you a disguise Pooh errrm "Banana"

Don't thank me now. just ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun!


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Sjoerd3000 said:
poohcarrot said:
Jane said:
Aw, the poll is locked. :(
Arrgghhh! :eek: They're after me! They've seen through the Pigletonion disguise. I voted and now the poll's shut down. :eek:
Come with me if you want to live ;)
:eek: You said that at the Convention too. I still have problems sitting down, but it certainly is living all right :eek:

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