2012 DW Convention ~ Cripple Mr. Onion Card School

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How do we theme the Discworld Deck? (re-read 1st post please)

  • Option A ~ Regional

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option B ~ Suit associated (match character to hearts etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option C ~ Grouped by Series

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Option D ~ Ranked characters (Death = Ace)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Option E ~ Inclusive/Random (all 54 character cards)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option F ~ something else? Suggest something then clever clogs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If we split the work up, I hope no one will be annoyed at stylistic inconsistency.
Once school finishes, I guess I would be able to do a 9 card half set. It'll take longer to finish the deck than if we had a bunch more people. I also tend to cutesify characters, so I'm sorry if they don't match your head pictures. :(

The clown dude who got shot was named Beano. Alternatively, we could have Edward d'Eath dressed as Beano holding a gonne. Scary clowns holding guns is just pure awesome, and canonical too!

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Ooooo yeah! Beano/Edward!
:laugh: and Dr. Whiteface is scary without anything :twisted:

Don't worry about style or doing the classic face card mirror poses etc - this is about your individual take on the characters and you know we love your artwork so unless you want to experiment then don't sell out your oeuvre as 'twere ;) (((hugs))) - I'll try PM/emailing about today and see if I can get a few of the other creatives in here and fired up :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
mystmoon said:
Wish I knew more pTerry fans on devART but most of the stuff I know is all anime-related.
I have started some designs, will scan them when I get back to Sheffield
I've found Cheery over there (and actually signed up to leave her a message! :rolleyes: ) but she's not been mega-active there either - last message from her was end of Nov but at the weekend so it might find her OK.

Did someone say Anilori was on deviant - have tried looking and found nada - but she might have another name on there.. o_O


Jun 22, 2009
Jan Van Quirm said:
mystmoon said:
Wish I knew more pTerry fans on devART but most of the stuff I know is all anime-related.
I have started some designs, will scan them when I get back to Sheffield
I've found Cheery over there (and actually signed up to leave her a message! :rolleyes: ) but she's not been mega-active there either - last message from her was end of Nov but at the weekend so it might find her OK.

Did someone say Anilori was on deviant - have tried looking and found nada - but she might have another name on there.. o_O
awww sorry for making you sign up! And thanks for sending me that message! I didn't realise how much I missed you guys!

I've voted for "regional" because I'd really like to see a general Ankh-Morpork themed suit (with Lipwig as the joker :laugh: ) including the watch, the wizards, Vetinari and all the other wonderful characters who hang out there.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:laugh: Knew you'd be interested in this Cheery! - lovely to see you again as well of course ;)

You may have done me a favour on the writing side of deviant (don't do much artwork anymore) - it's a good community, but whether I'll have the time to do much on there is another matter... :rolleyes: I also don't like the subscription side of it but I suppose there are advantages. Am resisting that for now anyway :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
bikkit said:
can I help with art? :laugh: Pweeeeeaaassseee
Oh go on then :laugh:

OK we have 4 artists Jane; Mystmoon; Cheery and Bikkit so that looks easy to divvy up - one suit each sound OK and Jane to do the Jesters Guild jokers as this was her idea and I want to see the Beano/D'eath joker? :twisted:

Or we can split it so you do one for each the suits if you don't want to be lumbered with all hearts etc - but TBH it would give the design for the suit a more consistent look which would be desirable aesthetically? :laugh:

Or names inna a hat? :rolleyes:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
mystmoon said:
I'm fine with doing one suit each, is each suit related to one particular story (Spades=Death, Clubs=Watch etc.) or is it whatever takes our fancy?
We'll go with the poll on how the suits are themed and it looks like the serial characters are going to be hard to beat now at 66% to 11% for 3 other options so we've had 9 people in to vote now

Jane - did you get to vote OK in the end?

I think if we call it a result tomorrow and then it's a case of who's going to be there for Ace, King, Queen and Jack - and if it is the series theme the Death family need to be Spades 'cos Death's gotta be the Ace ;) :laugh: and I think you ladies decide who to put in the your suit rather than have us debating who in where ;)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
I said:
C: Series Groups
Death (Mort, Reaperman etc) = Spades; Witches (Wyrd Sisters, Wintersmith etc) = Hearts; The Watch (Guards! Guards! Nightwatch etc) = Clubs; Wizards (Colour of Magic, Unseen Academicals etc) = Diamonds
I think the suit allocation does work as I put it in the poll (well I would do, but it does make sense...) ;)

Witches - Hearts because they're community carers ;)
Watch - Clubs because it's a strength suit and Detritus has a big one... :p
Wizards - Diamonds because they're all smoke (smoking habits) and mirrors (so Witches wouldn't be doing with diamonds) :laugh:
Death - Spades because Death has to be Ace! :laugh:

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