You know this is something ive thought about for a very long time, if i ever met him what would i ask him, about a book, a character, plans, so many possible questions but no idea where to start, and then again the question i asked how many times would he have heard it before, so really the question would have to be very original i feel. But i think ive finally come up with an answer, Terrys given so much over the years to us the readers i feel i would want to give him something back, so instead of a question, the one thing id like to say to Terry is........ Thank you for the many years you have given me the greatest pleasure in reading, and thank you for the years to come your books will continue to give me. I know i'll never get to tell him in person so hopefully he or someone who knows him will tell him this.
Which leads me on to, what would you say to him if you have never met him before, it would be interesting to know.
Which leads me on to, what would you say to him if you have never met him before, it would be interesting to know.