Atlas Shrugged Forced Reading

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This ones for you, Q! :laugh:

On Mark Reads/Watches, website I'm currently addicted to, Mark is doing a forced reading of a bad book for every $1000 he raises for a the AIDS/LifeCycle charity cycle he is doing soon. :clap:

Check out his Atlas Shrugged reading! :laugh:

(Possible bad language, I've not finished watching it yet...)



Dec 7, 2010
I haven't watched it myself yet, but if he's doing Atlas Shrugged for charity, then he'd better be given more than a grand. :(


Dec 7, 2010
meerkat said:

Dear God, it's like walking your eyeballs through Treacle! Dreadful book. The word 'enjoy' doesn't even enter into it!

Unless, like I said, you're a masochist. You know, enjoying pain?

I had to admit, though, d'Anconia was interesting, and a few characters here and there. But, as I mentioned in a blog I did on another forum while reading Atlas Shrugged, the Aristocracy of Pull has got to be one of the biggest unintentional double entendres in the whole of literature. Oh, and I giggled a bit at the train being destroyed in the tunnel. But seriously, why is Galt considered a hero when he indirectly causes the death of millions who were neither so-called looters or moochers?

As far as philosophical novels are concerned, Atlas Shrugged, to quote Little Dorrit, is an example of How NOT To Do It.

What book would I point to as a philosophical novel that is better? I'd probably choose Stanislaw Lem's Solaris.

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