Bernard Cornwell

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I really love the Arthur series. The Saxon books are excellent as well. And I enjoyed the Grail Quest series immensely.

Have you read Azincourt, turbo? I think that was the best battle scene that he's written. :laugh:


Jun 20, 2011
Yes, Azincourt is a great book, you're right about the battle scene :) He really takes you there if you know what I mean.
I've not read the Arthur or Saxon series' yet, I'm part way through The Fort although I've not looked at it for a couple of weeks.
I've read about half the Sharpe series, the battle scenes in them are pretty amazing too, especially the early ones set in India.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Oddly enough the Indian books were written a lot later than most of the ones set in Europe. It's my belief that he wrote them so he could resurrect Hakeswill. :laugh:

Lt Dan

Aug 11, 2010
I'm a fan of Bernard Cornwell's books too, (except for Stonehenge, which for reasons I'm not even sure of, I didn't want to finish reading o_O).
I'm looking forward to seeing him again on his "Death of Kings tour" at Winchester cathedral later this month. Always entertaining, but can be somewhat prickly if you ask him what he considers to be a dumb question. :oops:
Hmm, not too dissimilar to another author I can think of. :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Hi Lt Dan, welcome back. :laugh:

I liked Stonehenge, but found that it was a bit difficult to keep up with all the characters over such a long time span. I ended up compiling a list of the character names and who they were.

I shall be getting my copy of Death of Kings as soon as it hits the shelves. Really looking forward to it.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Bernard Cornwell will be doing a signing tour for his new book, The Death of Kings later this month. Here are the details. :)

TUESDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER; WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, 9 The Close, Winchester. 7.45pm (doors open at 7.15pm)
Supported by Waterstone's Winchester High Street - 97 High Street, Winchester SO23 9AH - Tel: 0843 290 8689. tickets £8.

THURSDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER; Book signing at Waterstones, 1-3 Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Market, London, EC3V1PJ. 12.30pm - 1.30pm

THURSDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER; IET London, The Savoy Place,2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL. 7pm.
Supported by Waterstone's Piccadilly - 203/206 Piccadilly W1J 9HD tickets £10.

Lt Dan

Aug 11, 2010
Hi Tony, did you go to any of BC's signing events? The Winchester one was very entertaining. Really enjoyed Death of Kings and am looking forward to more in the series, although I think the next book will be a follow up to Azincourt.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Lt Dan said:
Hi Tony, did you go to any of BC's signing events? The Winchester one was very entertaining. Really enjoyed Death of Kings and am looking forward to more in the series, although I think the next book will be a follow up to Azincourt.
Hi Lt Dan! :laugh: Sadly, no I didn't go to any. I don't have transport and getting to Winchester is just too much trouble.

I also loved Death of Kings - Uhtred is a great creation. :laugh:

As to the next book - this from Bernard's site in response to a question from a reader:

(19.) Posting Date: 08 Nov, 2011

Q: Hello Mr. Cornwell. my English is not very good, but i try it. I like your books, please tell me, what for a book you write momentary. What Book come after the "Death of Kings" Had you ever wrote about the battle of Gettysburg? I hope of many book in future and best wishes to you Götz Hilliger Götz Hilliger

A: The book I am writing now is a return of Thomas of Hookton. I hope Gettysburg is in my future!
So, if it's Thomas (around 1346), it'll be a good deal earlier than Azincourt (1415). Should be good though. :laugh:

Lt Dan

Aug 11, 2010
Tonyblack said:
As to the next book... So, if it's Thomas (around 1346), it'll be a good deal earlier than Azincourt (1415).
You're right I was getting my dates mixed up. :oops: I'm pretty sure Poitiers was mentioned tho'. :laugh:


Sep 3, 2010
Very cool. I'll have to peruse the map at some point. I might even copy it into a GIS layer which will allow others use it on background maps of there choice :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sounds interesting. :)

I just looked some more at Bernard's site and in response to someone asking about the location of the places in the books, he supplied a link to my map. :laugh:


Sep 3, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Sounds interesting. :)

I just looked some more at Bernard's site and in response to someone asking about the location of the places in the books, he supplied a link to my map. :laugh:
I did something similar for the Aeneid for teaching purposes (not for me but the missus) and its great being able to imagine the geography behind the story. Always takes me too long to start a book with a map or two in the opening couple of pages :laugh:

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