Ah, OK. I'm not on Tumblr, facebook (I refuse to call it meta. Rebranding sucks), Tiktok, or any other so-called social media.
(This isn't because of some weird phobia, by the way; I once tried to create a facebook account. But the damn thing took all my information and then refused to let me log in. Mr zuckerberg can kiss my
tuches. And judging by what I've heard about facebook and its related scandals ... cambridge analytica was just the biggest and the one that most people remember ... well, judging by all that, including how facebook seems to be a sewer that attracts the worst people because they can spam, troll, bully and flame anonymously, I haven't missed much). =P
So, anyway ... just as Australia always seems to get overseas books and merch last, I always seem to hear the news last.
I've seen (but don't own) some cool Russian tarot cards. IIRC, Discworld has some Caroc cards.