Doctor Who 2015/2016

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Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I've picked up several Big Finish audio play bargains on Amazon Audible. Unit Dominion (7th Doctor and Rayne four hour story), The Fourth Doctor Box Set (two adaptations of unmade 4th Doctor and Leela adventures), Jago And Litefoot series 1 (about the two guys from The Talons of Weng Chiang) and Countermeasures season 1 (the military team from Remembrance Of The Daleks).

Each was just one Audible credit. All pretty good! I've finished listening to them all except for Jago And Litefoot. Only listened to the first story in that series so far, but it was really good! They definitely deserve their own series.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Jago and Litefoot series 1 was great. :laugh:

Looking forward to listening to Jago and Litefoot and Strax. Apparently Strax mistakes Jago and Litefoot for Jenny and Vastra. :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
I have all of the above, and have listened to all but the first series of Counter Measures, though I have listened to a Counter Measures story, which was part of the Worlds of Doctor Who boxset. The two Fourth Doctor stories and UNIT: Dominion are great, with a brilliant twist around the 'Other Doctor', though that may be spoiled for latecomers to the Big Finish audios, due to the fact that we have new releases with the 'Other Doctor'.

I have recommendations for other stories if you want them, Jack Remillard. I'm looking forward to next month, and getting my pre-order of the Tenth Doctor Adventures filled.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Quatermass said:
I have all of the above, and have listened to all but the first series of Counter Measures, though I have listened to a Counter Measures story, which was part of the Worlds of Doctor Who boxset. The two Fourth Doctor stories and UNIT: Dominion are great, with a brilliant twist around the 'Other Doctor', though that may be spoiled for latecomers to the Big Finish audios, due to the fact that we have new releases with the 'Other Doctor'.
Somehow or other I was spoiled about the twist (maybe from reading a review), but I still enjoyed it a lot! I bought quite a lot of Big Finish plays (including the latest stuff) for a number of years, but I've been out of the loop for almost four years now! I need to catch up with the 7th Doctor/Ace/Hex plays at some point. The last one I listened to was Gods And Monsters...

I'm getting them again because I've noticed there are now quite a few on Audible!

I have recommendations for other stories if you want them, Jack Remillard. I'm looking forward to next month, and getting my pre-order of the Tenth Doctor Adventures filled.
Any recommendations would be appreciated. :) Have you listened to all the 4th Doctor stories? Are there any which are particularly good? :)

I'm definitely planning to get the 10th Doctor ones at some point. I hope they do some 11th Doctor stories!


Dec 7, 2010
Jack Remillard said:
Quatermass said:
I have recommendations for other stories if you want them, Jack Remillard. I'm looking forward to next month, and getting my pre-order of the Tenth Doctor Adventures filled.
Any recommendations would be appreciated. :) Have you listened to all the 4th Doctor stories? Are there any which are particularly good? :)

I'm definitely planning to get the 10th Doctor ones at some point. I hope they do some 11th Doctor stories!
I haven't listened to ALL of them, but I have listened to most of the first two series, along with a couple from the third series. I recommend The Renaissance Man, The Auntie Matter (especially if you want to hear a PG Wodehouse parody), The Justice of Jalxar (the Fourth Doctor meeting Jago and Litefoot again), The King of Sontar, and The Crooked Man. I've also listened to the adaptation of The Romance of Crime, and it's an excellent adaptation of an excellent novel.

Outside the Fourth Doctor adventures, here's a few other recommendations, two for each Doctor from the Fifth onwards (sorry if you've heard them before)...

FIFTH: Spare Parts and The Kingmaker

SIXTH: Jubilee and The Rani Elite

SEVENTH: Night Thoughts and All-Consuming Fire

EIGHTH: The Chimes of Midnight and The Natural History of Fear

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Thanks! The only one out of all that which was on Audible (that I hadn't listened to before) was The Renaissance Man. I bought it and listened to it this morning. T'was good! The other 4th Doctor stories on Audible are The Wrath of the Iceni, Destination Nerva, The Oseidon Adventure and Trail of the White Worm. Have you listened to any of those?

I've previously listened to both of your 5th Doctor recommendations, and the one on the left of the other three!


Dec 7, 2010
Jack Remillard said:
Thanks! The only one out of all that which was on Audible (that I hadn't listened to before) was The Renaissance Man. I bought it and listened to it this morning. T'was good! The other 4th Doctor stories on Audible are The Wrath of the Iceni, Destination Nerva, The Oseidon Adventure and Trail of the White Worm. Have you listened to any of those?

I've previously listened to both of your 5th Doctor recommendations, and the one on the left of the other three!
I've got Trail of the White Worm/The Oseidon Adventure, but haven't listened to it yet, or those other stories.

I'll list some other recs, just in case...

FIFTH: There's a Fifth Doctor boxset with a pair of excellent stories set during Peter Davison's first season: Psychodrome and Iterations of I. I recommend both highly, if you can stand Adric (and he's useful in the second story). Otherwise, try 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men.

SIXTH: The Wormery

SEVENTH: Love and War

EIGHTH: Max Warp (especially if you want to see the piss taken out of Top Gear)

Jack Remillard said:
Ok, I'm really enjoying All-Consuming Fire. The Doctor and Holmes! There really needs to be a TV crossover with Sherlock. :laugh:
I got it because it was based on my all-time favourite Doctor Who novel. The novel is better, but even so, it was an excellent adaptation.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Quatermass said:
Jack Remillard said:
Thanks! The only one out of all that which was on Audible (that I hadn't listened to before) was The Renaissance Man. I bought it and listened to it this morning. T'was good! The other 4th Doctor stories on Audible are The Wrath of the Iceni, Destination Nerva, The Oseidon Adventure and Trail of the White Worm. Have you listened to any of those?

I've previously listened to both of your 5th Doctor recommendations, and the one on the left of the other three!
I've got Trail of the White Worm/The Oseidon Adventure, but haven't listened to it yet, or those other stories.

I'll list some other recs, just in case...

FIFTH: There's a Fifth Doctor boxset with a pair of excellent stories set during Peter Davison's first season: Psychodrome and Iterations of I. I recommend both highly, if you can stand Adric (and he's useful in the second story). Otherwise, try 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men.
Noted! Pretty sure I listened to Fanfare for the Common Men on radio, but I don't really remember it.
SIXTH: The Wormery
Haven't heard it!
SEVENTH: Love and War
I've read the book. It was very good, but I'm not a fan of all the conflict between Ace and the Doctor in the books, and this has rather a big example of it. :laugh: I'm sure I'll get round to the adaptation soon. :)
EIGHTH: Max Warp (especially if you want to see the piss taken out of Top Gear)
Sounds fun. :laugh:
Jack Remillard said:
Ok, I'm really enjoying All-Consuming Fire. The Doctor and Holmes! There really needs to be a TV crossover with Sherlock. :laugh:
I got it because it was based on my all-time favourite Doctor Who novel. The novel is better, but even so, it was an excellent adaptation.
Must read the book. :) I read the 'Alternate History Cycle' series of New Adventures books earlier this year, having previously only read The Left Handed Hummingbird from that. All pretty good, though again, too much conflict between the TARDIS crew. :laugh:

Currently re-watching the post-2005 TV series in reverse order. :laugh:

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Made the mistake of watching The End Of Time again (filling in a gap after finishing series 2). :laugh: His reaction to the 'he will knock four times' incident makes it hard for me to like the tenth Doctor... Aargh. :laugh:

Anyway, onwards to series 1. :laugh:

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I don't know if this is just in the UK, but there are currently quite a number of Doctor Who audio plays (made by Big Finish) on Spotify.

(Quoted from dudles78's post on the Gallifrey Base forum).

1. The Sirens of Time
2. Phantasmagoria
3. Whispers of Terror
4. The Land of the Dead
5. The Fearmonger
6. The Marian Conspiracy
7. The Genocide Machine
8. Red Dawn
9. The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
10. Winter for the Adept
11. The Apocalypse Element
12. The Fires of Vulcan
13. The Shadow of the Scourge
14. The Holy Terror
15. The Mutant Phase
16. Storm Warning
17. Sword of Orion
18. The Stones of Venice
19. Minuet in Hell
20. Loups-Garoux
21. Dust Breeding
22. Bloodtide
23. Project: Twilight
24. The Eye of the Scorpion
25. Colditz
26. Primeval

1.1 Destination: Nerva
1.2 The Renaissance Man
1.3 The Wrath of the Iceni

1.1 Blood of the Daleks, Part 1
1.2 Blood of the Daleks, Part 2
1.3 Horror of Glam Rock
1.4 Immortal Beloved
1.5 Phobos
1.6 No More Lies

1.1 The Nightmare Fair
1.2 Mission to Magnus
1.3 Leviathan
1.4 The Hollows of Time
1.5 Paradise 5

1. Hunters of Earth
2. Shadow of Death
3. Vengeance of the Stones
4. Babblesphere

Volume 1

Road Trip
New Frontiers
Missing Persons

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3

1.1 Invasion of the Daleks
1.2 The Human Factor
1.3 "Death to the Daleks!"
1.4 Project Infinity
2.1 Dalek War: Chapter One
2.2 Dalek War: Chapter Two

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3

Series 1

2.1 The Sound of Fear
2.2 The Land of Wonder
2.3 The Two Irises
2.4 The Panda Invasion
2.5 The Claws of Santa
Series 3
Series 4

1.1 Time Heals
1.2 Snake Head
1.3 The Longest Night
1.4 The Wasting

Series 1

The Memory Box
Series 1

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I've searched Spotify with the words 'Main range' and found that they are up to number 40 (Jubilee) :

27 The One Doctor
28 Invaders from Mars
29 The Chimes of Midnight
30 Seasons of Fear
31 Embrace the Darkness
32 The Time of the Daleks
33 Neverland
34 Spare Parts
35 …ish
36 The Rapture
37 The Sandman
38 The Church and the Crown
39 Bang-Bang-a-Boom!
40 Jubilee

Spare Parts (5th Doc and Nyssa) is very good. The 10th Doctor/Rose Cybermen parallel universe story (the name escapes me) was loosely based on it.

I remember finding Bang-Bang-a-Boom (7th Doc and Mel) very silly but funny. Can't remember the details very well, but I seem to remember that it sends up the Eurovision Song Contest quite a bit. :laugh:

...ish (6th Doc and Peri) is a very 'language' themed story. Lots of amusing wordplay. :laugh:

There are some on that list which I haven't heard before. I listened to Loups-Garoux the other day. A 6th Doctor and Turlough story involving werewolves which I found very good.


Dec 7, 2010
The story Spare Parts inspired was Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel. Incidentally, Big Finish is re-releasing both that and The Chimes of Midnight on vinyl. ... ition-1441 ... ition-1440

...Ish was a brilliant story, particularly because of the central concept behind it. Bang-Bang-a-Boom! was indeed a send-up of the Eurovision Song Contest, as well as Star Trek, and it was a pretty good story despite the silliness.

And Loups-Garoux is a Fifth Doctor story, Jack Remillard.

You also forgot two other excellent stories on that list to recommend to Cheery, both by Robert Shearman. The Chimes of Midnight is set in an Edwardian house where time is playing up, murders are happening on the hour, every hour, even when an hour hasn't actually passed, and Charley has a connection to the house. Jubilee is the basis of the first Dalek story of the new series, but is quite a lot better, examining a parallel timeline where, after the Doctor saved England from an invasion of the Daleks, a totalitarian dictatorship has sprung up in the form of the English Empire. It compares humanity to the Daleks, as well as looking at how cheapening villains for media can be a dangerous thing.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
Quatermass said:
And Loups-Garoux is a Fifth Doctor story, Jack Remillard.
Oh yes. :laugh: That was a mistype, I didn't think I was listening to Colin Baker. :laugh:
You also forgot two other excellent stories on that list to recommend to Cheery, both by Robert Shearman. The Chimes of Midnight is set in an Edwardian house where time is playing up, murders are happening on the hour, every hour, even when an hour hasn't actually passed, and Charley has a connection to the house. Jubilee is the basis of the first Dalek story of the new series, but is quite a lot better, examining a parallel timeline where, after the Doctor saved England from an invasion of the Daleks, a totalitarian dictatorship has sprung up in the form of the English Empire. It compares humanity to the Daleks, as well as looking at how cheapening villains for media can be a dangerous thing.
Don't remember either of those particularly well. I'll listen to them again. :)


Dec 7, 2010

That's right, the BBC have done an animated version of the very first Patrick Troughton story, The Power of the Daleks! AND IT'S COMING TO DVD!
Apr 29, 2009
The Doctor Who 2016 Christmas special will premiere on BBC One on Christmas Day at 5:45pm.

In this year’s special, titled The Return Of Doctor Mysterio , The Doctor join forces with a masked Superhero for an epic New York adventure. With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious figure known only as The Ghost. Can the Doctor save Manhattan? And what will be revealed when we see behind the mask?


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
We have to wait until each season comes out on disc to watch it, so we are very impatiently waiting! We used to be able to entertain ourselves by rewatching episodes on Netflix, but they've removed it from their streaming catalog. I'm thinking we might have to invest in the DVDs.

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