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Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Knetti, if you haven’t read the last two Discworld books that footnote might be difficult for you (although I agree it sounded a bit like Sybil and Vimes)… Is it… Raising Steam?



Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Wow! I can’t believe I got it right! (Yes Rath, exclamation marks are a bit like a drug, when you start adding them to your life it is so difficult to stop! :laugh: )

My footnote is…

*As humans, we have invented lots of useful kind of lie. As well as lies-to-children (‘as much as they can understand’) there are lies-to-bosses (‘as much as they need to know’) lies-to-patients (‘they won’t worry about what they don’t know’) and, for all sorts of reasons, lies-to-ourselves. Lies-to-children is simply a prevalent and necessary kind of lie. Universities are very familiar with bright, qualified school-leavers who arrive and then go into shock on finding that biology or physics isn’t quite what they’ve been taught so far. “Yes, but you needed to understand that” they are told, “so that now we can tell you why it isn’t exactly true.” Discworld teachers know this, and use it to demonstrate why universities are truly storehouse of knowledge: students arrive from school confident that they know very nearly everything, and they leave years later certain that they know practically nothing. Where did the knowledge go in the meantime? Into University, of course, where is carefully dried and stored.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Thanks for reminding me it was my turn Mixa.

Terry Pratchett in a footnote somewhere said:
so called for their habit of collecting weapons, boots, gold teeth and jewellery off the stricken enemy, and the idiotic bravery necessary to see that there were as many of the stricken as possible. So keen was the average riflingman that many would go into battle armed only with pliers and armoured shoehorn, and would often manage, in the press of battle, to get teeth and footwear from enemies who were not only alive but actively fighting back.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
I'm pretty sure that footnote refers to Nobby's illustrious military career, but this is mentioned in several Watch books. Since it would be unfair to mention them all, I'm going to guess Guards, Guards! where Nobby was first introduced.

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