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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
adnanamo said:
why do you think he uses footnotes ?
He often uses them as a method of making a joke. The very fact that the reader has to break off from the narrative to look at a footnote is very much like feeding a line in a joke and then getting the punchline from the footnote. :)


May 20, 2012
Tonyblack said:
adnanamo said:
why do you think he uses footnotes ?
He often uses them as a method of making a joke. The very fact that the reader has to break off from the narrative to look at a footnote is very much like feeding a line in a joke and then getting the punchline from the footnote. :)
It also adds a second or so between the initial stimulus and the footnote, which gives you a moment to think about it. Timing of jokes can be very subtle.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
adnanamo said:
why do you think he uses footnotes ?
My theory is that when Pterry started, he was trying to be the fantasy version of Douglas Adams', whose influence is all over the first two DW books. I think Pterry's use of footnotes was meant to be his version of the narrative-interrupting "callouts from the Galactic Encyclopedia" Adams used extensively through the Hitchhiker's books.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
As far as I can see, the footnotes are:

1. Terry's way to include a joke that he couldn't otherwise include in the main text, because it would ruin the flow; or
2. Terry's way to include a philosophical musing that he couldn't otherwise include in the main text, because it would ruin the flow. ;)

I've been writing† for over 20 years now, and I've sto- "adopted" the footnote method into my own stories - either to make jokes or to include explanatory notes. :)

Anyway, another footnote that always made me laugh...

Terry Pratchett said:
'What else should I know today?' said Vimes, as he and Carrot shouldered their way through the streets.

'We've had a letter from the Black Ribboners*, sir, suggesting that it would be a great step forward for species harmony in the city if you'd see your way clear to-'

* The Uberwald League of Temperance, made up of former vampires who now wore black ribbons to show that they had completely sworn off the sticky stuff, my vord yes, and much preferred a good singsong and a healthy game of table-tennis.
Guess what book this is from? :)

† I started out writing comic fantasy when I graduated from high school. Over the years, I've graduated to writing poetry, haiku, comic skits, top ten lists, parodies, short stories, and horror, and am now specialising in comic history - i.e. a blend of comedy and history. ;)


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
I also love footnotes! :laugh: They are the icing on the cake! Nearly imperceptible but with so much presence.

I’ve also tended to include them in my writing style… You’re not alone in that Rath Darkblade ^^


P.D. Is it…

RathDarkblade said:
'What else should I know today?' said Vimes, as he and Carrot shouldered their way through the streets.

'We've had a letter from the Black Ribboners*, sir, suggesting that it would be a great step forward for species harmony in the city if you'd see your way clear to-'

* The Uberwald League of Temperance, made up of former vampires who now wore black ribbons to show that they had completely sworn off the sticky stuff, my vord yes, and much preferred a good singsong and a healthy game of table-tennis.
…from “Thud!”?


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Argh! So close :doh:

I loved this one: :laugh:

It had come a shock to them… no, he corrected himself, it had come as a an affront to learn that Vimes operated on a different map. Apparently he’d instructed his men to use the front door when calling on any building, even in broad daylight, when sheer common sense said that they should use the back, just like any other servant.*

*William’s class understood that justice was like coal or potatoes. You ordered it when you needed it.
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Mixa said:
Argh! So close :doh:

I loved this one: :laugh:

It had come a shock to them… no, he corrected himself, it had come as a an affront to learn that Vimes operated on a different map. Apparently he’d instructed his men to use the front door when calling on any building, even in broad daylight, when sheer common sense said that they should use the back, just like any other servant.*

*William’s class understood that justice was like coal or potatoes. You ordered it when you needed it.
With William in it sounds like the TRUTH. :mrgreen:
Jan 23, 2014
It might be as late as Soul Music. I'm trying to remember if it is said in the conversation between Ridcully and Ponder in Hide Park


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Whoopsy! I missed this thread for a while. :oops: Here's another footnote...

It's amazing how good governments are, given their track record in almost every other field, at hushing up things like alien encounters.

One reason may be that the aliens themselves are too emberrassed to talk about it.

It's not known why most of the space-going races of the universe want to undertake rummaging in Earthling underwear as a prelude to formal contact. But representatives of several hundred races have taken to hanging out, unsuspected by one another, in rural corners of the planet and, as a result of this, keep on abducting other would-be-abductees. Some have in fact abducted while waiting to carry out an abduction on a couple of other aliens trying to abduct the aliens who were, as a result of misunderstood instructions, trying to form cattle into circles and mutilate crops.

The planet Earth is now banned to all alien races until they can compare notes and find out how many, if any, real humans they have actually got. It is gloomily suspected that there is only one - who is big, hairy and has very large feet.

The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head.

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