Iain Banks

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Foul ole Ron

Jun 5, 2009
NightOwl said:
Dotsie said:
Good to meet another fan! Have you read Matter yet? I've got it, but I haven't had time to sit down to it yet.
No, for some reason I don't think I have. Must have overlooked it - I was trying to include a wider selection of books in my reading and must have missed it.
Iain Banks fan here too.

Matter is excellent.


Jul 28, 2008
Yes! Although the subject matter isn't for everyone. Start with Whit - it's about religion, but religious belief itself doesn't necessarily get a bashing, and there's not much in it otherwise that would cause offence. Unlike say, the Wasp Factory :eek:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Foul ole Ron said:
NightOwl said:
Dotsie said:
Good to meet another fan! Have you read Matter yet? I've got it, but I haven't had time to sit down to it yet.
No, for some reason I don't think I have. Must have overlooked it - I was trying to include a wider selection of books in my reading and must have missed it.
Iain Banks fan here too.

Matter is excellent.
Not yet getting a bit behind with my book reading.
After a friend recommended I try him, I bought a copy of The Bridge. I did not enjoy it. The same friend said I should give his SF a go, so I found a copy of Feersum Endjinn in a shop and bought that. I did not enjoy it. I disliked both novels so much, that I stopped accepting said friend's recommendations for some considerable years.

Then just recently, someone told me I had picked easily the two worst possible books to start with and gave me a copy of The Crow Road, insisting they'd take me out for a meal at their expense if I hated it... I'm both happy and somewhat miffed to say I'll be sharing the cost of our next meal. ;) I'm now eagerly awaiting the arrival of a copy of Consider Phlebas.

Edited to add - I should note that I didn't stop taking my friend's recommendations purely on those two novels. This was the same person who convinced me to read several other writers who I found myself disliking quite intensely. (I won't name the writers, I'd rather be nice than nasty ;))
No outright naming, since I don't want to a.) start arguing with any potential fans of those writers, or b.) go too far off-topic. I'll drop a couple of hints, though.

One lady, named after a flower, who's written Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms novels amongst other stuff. One extremely young writer of heroic fantasy. With dragons in them. A fellow who writes almost nothing except novelisations and adaptations of videogames, most notably in the Star Wars and Diablo universes (Stuff it. It's Richard A. Knaak. I've yet to encounter anyone else who's read one of his novels all the way through, anyway.). Finally, the author of a tiny series of novels that no-one has ever heard of, where a girl with a terminal lack of charisma gets stalked by a sparkly vampire 90 years her senior. Who still goes to high school. And chases sixteen year old girls. And breaks into their houses to watch them sleep. And destroys their self esteem with passive-aggresive comments, before carefully isolating them from their peer groups, just like abusive partners do. You probably haven't heard of it. ;)
Danny B said:
Finally, the author of a tiny series of novels that no-one has ever heard of, where a girl with a terminal lack of charisma gets stalked by a sparkly vampire 90 years her senior. Who still goes to high school. And chases sixteen year old girls. And breaks into their houses to watch them sleep. And destroys their self esteem with passive-aggresive comments, before carefully isolating them from their peer groups, just like abusive partners do. You probably haven't heard of it. ;)
Send this to my twi-hard sister. Her reply? She isn't sixteen! I worry about her, I really do

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
mystmoon said:
Danny B said:
Finally, the author of a tiny series of novels that no-one has ever heard of, where a girl with a terminal lack of charisma gets stalked by a sparkly vampire 90 years her senior. Who still goes to high school. And chases sixteen year old girls. And breaks into their houses to watch them sleep. And destroys their self esteem with passive-aggresive comments, before carefully isolating them from their peer groups, just like abusive partners do. You probably haven't heard of it. ;)
Send this to my twi-hard sister. Her reply? She isn't sixteen! I worry about her, I really do
Especially as Danny's a guy! PMSL :twisted:


Nov 23, 2010
I loooovvve Iain M Banks!! I've read most of his books, both SciFi and standard. I prefer the sci-fi by far, and The Player of Games, The Algebraist and Feersum Endjin are probably my favourites.


Sep 3, 2010
Found it hard to get into the scifi but love the other books.

The wasp factory and Song of Stone would be amongst my favourite books.


Jul 28, 2008
Wasp Factory, aargh! The scifi ones mentioned above are really good. But my favourite is Whit - Pooh read it, and said he liked it.

Beyond Birthday

Nov 11, 2010
I have a hardback copy of Transition but I'm a little worried it might be preachy (you know, 9/11). I've had it for awhile now. Is it preachy? Also, how is Feersum Enjinn? That's the one I really want.

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