Maurice in 22

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That's correct, Rath - he did a very good Crowley too!

He's also voicing Death in the new Discworld audiobooks that are being released - but who knows whether he was cast for those or for The Amazing Maurice first... I'd assume one led to the other :)

I was also surprised when they announced Serafinowicz as playing The Tick for the Amazon Prime series a few years ago - after all, the previous (late 90s/early 00s) version with Patrick Warburton was mostly perfect for the role - but Peter Serafinowicz actually did the role justice, and it's just a pity that the show didn't last more than 2 short seasons.
Likes: Tonyblack


May 20, 2012
Gah. I had hoped they were only going to have one scene in which Maurice mispronounced his name, but no, they have every character mispronouncing it.
And the human characters look like Brat dolls.
I now have zero expectations for this.


May 20, 2012
P.S. Okay, I think I've guessed why they did it. I think somebody in Legal noticed that when they changed his color to orange, they were in copyright territory, because of the old cat food commercials with an orange cat named Morris. So they changed the pronunciation to escape that. (They could just have kept him the color he was in the book, "a sort of mucky tabby".)


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
True, except a filthy cat probably wouldn't play well with the non-target-audience (i.e. kids and parents who'd never read Discworld). :)

We may as well face it: Discworld fans are a minority compared to the gigantic mass of the unwashed masses. So let's get out there and spread the word about Pterry's genius! :)


May 20, 2012
In context, I think "mucky" just meant a sort of mixed brown and grey and off-white color with vaguely tabby markings -- not a clear tabby. I've seen cats with that color mix, but my family called it "brindled".


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
I'm still excited but... Where's the fraud plot? And the rat king? I'm afraid this movie might get too "light"... What if kids watch the movie and then go and read the book? They'll be traumatized for a long time...



May 20, 2012
The movie's own website is filled with spoilers. Fear not, the fraud plot is still in. The rat king has been expanded, so to speak, making its influence more immediately visual, but it annoys me because it weakens even some of the mentally stronger rats. They seem to have done something weird with the professional Pied Piper. Also, the website at least implies that although the others do call him Maureece, at some point it's said that his name really is Morris. I wonder how they're going to work that in. It sounds like something either Keith or Malicia might say, unless they decide to go with the legal fact that (for most purposes) your name is what you say it is.
We held a special preview of The Amazing Maurice yesterday, as a fundraiser for the Australian Discworld Convention. My thoughts:

The Amazing Maurice is a wonderful adaptation of the Pratchett story, and gets so much right - the characters, the wry humour, and the important parts of the plot. In order to appeal to a younger audience, there have been some simplifications made (and it's definitely not very scary), but they have stayed true to the essence and that's what I think is important. Plus lots of really great easter-egg style nods for fans hidden in there too.
If you're a fan of Pratchett's work in any form, I do recommend you go and see this film when it's released in your vicinity.


May 20, 2012
Really, my main peeve is the humanoid teeth on an animal that has that as a main point in at least two places. It's as though they think small children don't know cats have teeth.
But more importantly - it is the first Discworld adaptation that is intended for the big screen!
Of course it will also be shown on Sky, but they plan to show it in theatres.

The Discworld Monthly has set up a Cinema Database to list where the theatres are, to be updated monthly.
Likes: Tonyblack


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
We held a special preview of The Amazing Maurice yesterday, as a fundraiser for the Australian Discworld Convention.
Molokov, can you see this film in SA? From =Tamar's link,

I can't see it 'til the 14th of January. *shrug* All the early releases are in the ACT, NSW or QLD, and I live in Melbourne. Poo. =(

No worries, I'll just wait 'til then. ;)

By the way, I love this from Rachel: "I love our Australian readers but Hoyts has about 5 trillion cinemas across Aus. I think I would go more insane than usual to try and list them all for you."

Heh - there are 12 of them across Melbourne, and only two of those anywhere near me. That makes things easy. ;)

I just hope that when parents bring their kids to see this, the kids will know enough not to shout or talk during the film. Uggh). So I guess I'll have to meditate and repeat "Calm blue ocean" during the 20-minute waste-of-time -- whoops, I meant "EXCITING upcoming features", of course. =P
@Rath - official Australian release date is January 12th. We organised a preview screening with Palace Nova as a fundraiser for the Australian Discworld Convention, so it was a special one off. Come January 12, the movie will be in quite a few cinemas all over the country.

(Discworld Monthly's list is great, but they are holding off listing *every* cinema chain that's got it on the 'Coming Soon' list until there's more concrete details. Event Cinemas (that owns Village and Greater Union) is also screening it. I'd check your local cinema's "Coming Soon" list and see if it will be screening there)
Likes: RathDarkblade


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Thank you, Molokov. :) Yes, I'm aware that Australian release is January 12th ... but that's a Thursday, and I'll be at work.

I looked up Village cinemas (they're closer to me), so I might head down there on the 14th or 15th.

I just have to re-check my budget to make sure I can afford the small tub of popcorn (reasonably priced at $500). ;)

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