Troll Bridge film released to backers

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There's also a SD download link below the streaming video, if you want a copy for offline.

Discs will be coming later this month (or rather, will be shipped then).

There's a longer version (with the prologue added) still to come, but what you can see in the Streaming Arena has most of the different versions available.

If anyone still hasn't backed the project and would like access to the Streaming Arena, you can still back with certain options at


May 20, 2012
I was in the absolute first wave, when it was just a request, not anything as organized as a kickstarter. I mailed them a check.
I suppose it might be alphabetical. My last name is in the middle of the alphabet.
I'm not sure the discs have been mailed out yet (plus, if you've got any other rewards like posters, badges, etc. then they'll all come in one package, I expect). The last newsletter came out on the 15th of November, asking for volunteers to check the translated subtitles - so I assume that discs probably only went into authoring last week, perhaps?

In any case, we've been patient for 16 years, another month or so won't hurt :)

In the meantime, you can still watch the film on the Streaming Arena (and download an SD copy).


Jul 28, 2008
I had an email today giving my last chance to update my shipping address. I can feel it getting closer...


Jul 26, 2008
Michigan, U.S.A.
From their Facebook page:

Hello everyone,
It’s well due time for us to give you all an update on our Troll Bridge Backer Rewards effort. Over Christmas the disc mastering team were hard at work. In the end we needed to create 9 different masters to fulfil all our regional and technical requirements. This was someway off my early estimate of 4, but the work is now complete.
It was a tight task, but we even managed to squeeze the German subtitles onto the Australia disc because a fan (looking at you Dae) asked for them in the comments to my last post. They’re a little out of place next to Chinese, Japanese and Korean, but genießen!
These masters were the last bit of creative content we needed to lock down and this draws a line under a pretty epic journey.
The final stages now are manufacturing and shipping. Because of the large number of backers involved we’re carving the world up into three chunks. We’ll be starting with Asia/Pacific backers for strictly practical reasons and orders are being placed with our Australian suppliers this week. Once that looks like it’s moving forward, we’ll trigger the Americas. For UK/European backers we’re waiting on the final clearance of our VAT paperwork with HMRC. We answered all their questions last year so hopefully that lands any day now.
Manufacturing runs are expected to be about the ~2-week mark, then the rewards will be off to the respective distribution warehouses for picking and posting to you. I’ll drop some short comments here as we tick off each segment.
For those who haven’t checked back in a while all the video content is now available in the Streaming Arena including 4 hours of behinds the scenes documentary from the fine team at Growing Brain Productions. What an amazing effort.
I’ll be in touch and happy 2020 to you all.
Ahren Morris
Producer | Troll Bridge
Likes: Molokov

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