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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Magrat Garlick said:
A book about football???? I hope he makes it funny.

I am not a sport's fan at all so I hope he does parody it well.

Roll on Tiffany Aching 4!
I'm not a sport fan either, but I suspect the whole book won't be about football. Let's hope so. ;)


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
oh god (hold head in hands) i am a massive football fan, I can only hope this is TP's vision of Discworld football in his own style.

I'm sure that he doesnt need to borrow from well worn football cliches his stuff is funnier.

(please dont talk anymore about football can feel my arms growing and knucles dragging on the floor, can help it this is supposed to be a haven from my heathen rantings lol)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
:laugh: I wonder if it will be more like the origins of football - one village against another and a free for all kicking a bladder until no one was left standing. :laugh: That sounds more like A-M to me. ;)
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
mran6ry said:
oh god (hold head in hands) i am a massive football fan, I can only hope this is TP's vision of Discworld football in his own style.

I'm sure that he doesnt need to borrow from well worn football cliches his stuff is funnier.

(please dont talk anymore about football can feel my arms growing and knucles dragging on the floor, can help it this is supposed to be a haven from my heathen rantings lol)
Well you could always go and polish the bolt in your neck. :laugh:

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