SPOILERS Equal Rites Discussion *Spoilers*

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chris.ph said:
Lady Vetinari said:
Is that why it's called Friday ... because of all the fried food we eat?
its called friday because every builder in the country stops on a friday for a full english :laugh: this is a fact ;)
um, a "full english" what? she asked knowing the answer will be so obvious, or embarrassing that she will :rolleyes:
Tonyblack said:
Dragging this topic kicking and screaming back to ER... ;)

Does anyone think it a bit hypocritical of Granny one minute looking down her nose at what Hilta was doing and the next minute doing the same thing - selling preparations in A-M?

By the way - pennyroyal, which is mentioned a few times was used to abort pregnancies.
Nanny's favorite thing was to teach the girls to count, and hope they kept it up to avoid the, sometimes, obvious ending to a sexual encounter.

hahaha Kicking and screaming... I like that. :laugh:


Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
Tina a.k.a.SusanSto.Helit said:
chris.ph said:
Lady Vetinari said:
Is that why it's called Friday ... because of all the fried food we eat?
its called friday because every builder in the country stops on a friday for a full english :laugh: this is a fact ;)
um, a "full english" what? she asked knowing the answer will be so obvious, or embarrassing that she will :rolleyes:
bacon x 2
sausages x 2
eggs x 2
black/blood pudding
and fried bread

thats a full english :laugh:
and all for less than a fiver or $10 if your on the wrong side of the pond :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Sorry Tony! I fried - I mean tried but how can this compete with a full english! :laugh:

Chris - you forgot the HP sauce! :twisted: And toast or a nice thick wad (slice to you lot) of uninterfered with bread is a healthy alternative to the fried bread. You can put some proper butter on there if you need the extra fat, but I like using the bread to mop up and sausage and bacon juice afterwards :laugh:


Nov 4, 2009
Tina a.k.a.SusanSto.Helit said:
chris.ph said:
Lady Vetinari said:
Is that why it's called Friday ... because of all the fried food we eat?
its called friday because every builder in the country stops on a friday for a full english :laugh: this is a fact ;)
um, a "full english" what? she asked knowing the answer will be so obvious, or embarrassing that she will :rolleyes:
Full English (breakfast) is a thing that both has build and ruined The Empire. Encient Englanders (EE) invented and introduced this innovative method of conquering Poor Sods (aka 'natives'), which was based on giving them (PS) their own (EE's) food. Whole empires in Herebedragonslands fell immediately ill and became defenceless. All there was left for the colonists was to open a couple of hospitals and sustain a continuous supply of laxatives. But after some generations PS began to grow awareness that in fact they have not been defeated by black magic, curses and other fiendish means of mass soul draining but by the foul mixture of atrocities they always considered to be some blasphemous sacrificial abominations imposed on them by the barbaric EE as some form of weird, foreign cult. However, when they realised that it was in fact 'food' they said 'hang on a minute... We surely couldn't have been conquered by anyone eating THAT!' and the sense of humiliation was so great, they decided to muster some strength and kick the invaders with their frying pans back where the sun finally had set over the Habsburg empire...

The End

Bloody hell! THAT time already?!? Oh well, I'll talk about books some other time then... :oops:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
chris.ph said:
Tina a.k.a.SusanSto.Helit said:
chris.ph said:
Lady Vetinari said:
Is that why it's called Friday ... because of all the fried food we eat?
its called friday because every builder in the country stops on a friday for a full english :laugh: this is a fact ;)
um, a "full english" what? she asked knowing the answer will be so obvious, or embarrassing that she will :rolleyes:
bacon x 2
sausages x 2
eggs x 2
black/blood pudding
and fried bread

thats a full english :laugh:
and all for less than a fiver or $10 if your on the wrong side of the pond :laugh:
You forgot the chips also. :rolleyes: :laugh:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Jan Van Quirm said:
Isn't it a Full Scottish when you chuck chips on it? :twisted: ;)

Actually if you must have potatoes, I'm quite fond of hash browns with FE - instead of the Black Pud
NO! I have seen it most down here when I have been in a cafe with builders in it and with black pudding ,but they don't know how to make a good one as it just has lumps of diced diced suet in it costs them less money than minceing it as should be done with proper one. :p


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
poohcarrot said:
(Gets back on topic) (in wind-up mood)

Apart from Kakaze and Phoenix, is there anyone else who thinks the staff communicates telepathically with Esk and tells her what to do? :laugh:
And does the staff have a mind of its own? It actually makes Esk feel pain when Granny tries to burn it. This is odd as it goes out of its way to protect her in other parts of the story.
Jul 25, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tony and Pooh - it's not telepathy as I understand it. Telepathy involves specific verbal communication without sound, and that is not what they have. But they certainly have a link and the staff is charged with protecting Esk until she can become a full wizard.

No one can take the staff from Esk either to steal or destroy it, but Esk can throw it away as she does towards the end of the book. It seems interesting to me that for all its wizardly power, the staff is essentially juvenile. Granny has to remind it of its obligation to protect Esk, even when Esk does something against the Esk/staff's own best interests, like staying in the middle of the river.

Once Esk is made a full wizard the markings from Drum Billet disappear and presumably she will shape the future markings on the staff with the uses she puts it to.

P.S. thanks for the good wishes everybody - I'm trying very hard not to fall again and I'm starting physical therapy next week. :)

Tony typed this for me. (It would have been MUCH longer if I'd typed it :laugh: )


Apr 23, 2009
Wintersville, Ohio
Tonyblack said:
And does the staff have a mind of its own? It actually makes Esk feel pain when Granny tries to burn it. This is odd as it goes out of its way to protect her in other parts of the story.
Billett had 1 agenda --to make certain the 8th offspring carried his "wizardness," as Smith put it.

Billett himself did this by becoming part of the apple tree.
He could look out for his protege better if he was near her.

His staff was an extension of him, so its job was also to look out for Esk.
Like Billett, the staff was juvenile, selfish and (probably) a right bastard.

Granny, tea leaves, hypocrisy. Et al.
I love Granny Weatherwax, she does what she has to when she has to and hang the consequences because they are for later.

She has an agenda not unlike Billett and his staff's --to look out for Esk. But Granny takes it farther. Not simply the passing-on of the magic, but the knowledge of easing into it.

Telling Mrs W's fortunes is the fastest way into the University.
Esk is talented, certainly. But she is also very young and, even with the right bastard of a staff around, she needs someone with a wiser head and more experience to keep an eye.

Cutangle laughed at Esk. Granny knows he doesn't take her seriously and she also knows the Things do. So she keeps herself close by using whatever means she can.

Although Granny in a red-lined cape... Yeah, she could pull that off.

ps: Sharlene, it's very good to hear from you, even at two removes.
No, don't fall down. It hurts.


Oct 12, 2009
Melbourne Australia
re Granny being a hypocrite. I think she can be at times. but she is also a realist so when she finds herself in the city she finds that she has to do whatever it takes to earn a living. and yes the red lined cloak is a nice touch. it shows a bit of flare on her part. and she doesn't lose that flare because when Tiffany gives her a cloak that needs someone with gravitas to wear it she accepts it.
Oct 10, 2009

Hi Sharlene, it's good to meet you on the forum after reading so much about you!!

These are for you! :)

About ER, I don't think either that they're communicating telepatically, otherwise Esk would know what to do, but often she has no idea.
(See Tony, I try to talk about ER...)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sharlene says thanks you! :laugh:

Granny has the attitude that anything is ok as long as it's her doing it. That said, she's got to A-M and found that most of the people there don't know what the pointy hat means and they treat her like an ordinary person. :eek:

Much to her surprise she seems to like it in the city - especially once word gets around and she gets some respect. She talks about taking on help and even moving the goats to the city. Without giving too much away, it seems that Granny does take Cutangle up on his offer to teach at the University. In Maskerade, much to Nanny Ogg's surprise, people in the city know Granny and she makes the comment that she's been to the city several times. :)
Jul 25, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Why does Drum Billet (who seems to have lived an extremely long and probably -- if DEATH is to be believed--wicked life and accumulated much bad karma) care so much about getting the staff into the hands of what he thinks is an 8th son of an 8th son?

Is this perchance a foreshadowing of Sourcery?

My own feeling is probably not. But Drum Billet does seem to have been a very special, powerful wizard who is reluctant to die--and in fact seems to opt out of DEATH's plan, to become, in some fashion 1st the apple tree, and later, via re-incarnation a "magic" ant, involved in building the sugar tomb with "the insect hieroglyphs" the true secret of longevity--which is, unfortunately washed away by the next flood.

(Blame Tony for the "magic - ant" pun) -- making progress in healing but this is about my limit.)

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