Top 5 Terry Pratchett novels

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Addams said:
Reaper man. (best Pratchett's book ever if you ask me)

Guards ! Guards ! (my favorite watch book, mostly because it's really a "watch" book and not only a "Vimes" book as the later books have become)

Mort. (Not much to say, very good and funny)

Soul Music. (niiiiiice one, many musical references, Susan kicks asses, great reading)

Feet of clay. (again a Watch book, almost perfect)

The Tiffany Aching ones are truly excellent too.
Welcome to the site Addams! :laugh:


Jul 19, 2009
I must say I absolutely love the books that feature the witches of Lancre. Pratchett's given them (Granny + Nanny) personalities that make them very enjoyable to read about. I just finished reading Maskerade, which was absolutely marvellous. My remaining four favourites are:

Monstrous Regiment
Wee Free Men
Thief of Time
Soul Music


Aug 16, 2009
Extremely hard. I'll give it a try.

Maskerade (JUST LOVE IT!!)
Witches Abroad
A Hat Full of Sky
Lords and Ladies
Carpe Jugulum



Aug 16, 2009
How did you know? I guess you are using headology. o_O

And yes, I'm a huuuuuuge fan of all the witches. I don't know why, but every time I read one of their books, I feel grate. They are funny, interesting, and with every read I learn something new. I love all the characters and... Ah well... You probably got it. But my all - time favourite is Maskarade.
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Jan Van Quirm said:
I most like Lord & Ladies - but I have an elf fixation :p Maskerade's great as well though - Greebo's finest hour in there! :laugh:
Lords and Ladies is great love it that the elves are evil in the novel :twisted:
Greebo is also good in L&L

"In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious." :twisted: :twisted:
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
I think my favourites are the watch novels too ;) Because of Vimes ofcourse ;) but also because of Detritus and his Piecemaker :laugh: (ow and Cheery too naturally ;) )

I really like the wizards too (especially Ridcully :laugh: ) so I can't wait untill Unseen Academicals comes out :laugh:


Jun 22, 2009
Sjoerd3000 said:
I think my favourites are the watch novels too ;) Because of Vimes ofcourse ;) but also because of Detritus and his Piecemaker :laugh: (ow and Cheery too naturally ;) )

I really like the wizards too (especially Ridcully :laugh: ) so I can't wait untill Unseen Academicals comes out :laugh:
Oh yes, Detritus, Reg, Colon, Dorfl, Buggy... just all of 'em! And Sybil of course.

And I can't wait for Academicals either! I've waited so long for a football (or soccer)- parody!


New Member
Aug 18, 2009
hello out there (...-well, sorry for my English, all serious grammar and spelling mistakes, you know, we german-speaking people... :oops: )
Since I am currently re-reading my whole Disc-Collection I just became aware of your wonderful page (nope, I never was looking for Discworld stuff on the internet, so there is still a lot, a lot to explore for me) and enjoyed scanning through the topics
well, UNTIL I realized that my every-time favourite wasn't listed at all (or, have I just missed it?)-
so I just HAD to register and vote for it ;)

1) Sourcery
is still my favourite as Rincewind developes a wide range of surprising qualities and even reveals philosophical potential. At the end I had the strong feeling that deep in his mind he might have understood better than most of the others what "wiz(z)ardry" really meant. +all the characters always seemed extremely vivid to me. can't help it, Rincewind is a unique character there - and the book certainly has depths that make it worth to be read again and again :laugh:

2) is Small Gods (because the idea of a thousand small gods waiting for their chance out there really impressed me ... or rather, made me aware of the fact XD)

and from there on, I guess, anything featuring DEATH - you just have to love him =)

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