All I know abot religion is:
I am on a mission from Glod!
If you take the concept of th Christian religion at its base (Golden Rule- Do unto others as you would want done unto you. Basically be nice to everyone and treat the kind, help where it is needed and you will have kindness and help when needed) then it is fine. When you start picking phrases out as the ONE reason for your religion then you loose me.
Now in the States the biggest religion item that is in the headline is Gay Marriage, espc Prop 8 in Cailifornia. The one passage (don't ask me wha book or phrase) that a man shall not lay with a man- so being gay/lesbian is BAD! Well within that book there is also if you child should talk back or disrepect you you can stone them to death, f you daughter doesn't do what you say you can sell her ito slavery, and shellfish is an abomiation!
Well, I love my daughter too much to even think of selling her, I tal back to may parents all he time and so far no lumps, and I will miss my hibachi shrimp when I go to my favorite Japanese resturant. So I am evil. How many other "christian" people pick and choose what they want to believe to make it fit into their own reality.
Either it is the whole book or none. Either you are a sinner or not.
Now in my eyes, if the Gays/Lesbians wake up in te morning have breakfast , go to work, go home and eat dinner, have fun on the weekend and contribute to the better of society, break no laws (not Biblical but the ones that Man has placed upon themsevles) and don't harm anyone (i.e. Kill, take or sell drugs, robb, steal, rape, etc...) then they can marry and be happy. What they do behind closed doors (maybe sometimes in the bushes along the side of road late at night when te mood hits ***raises hand quiltily***
) then more power to them.
Sorry rant over.