Which is better for my Pirate fantasy fiction

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Re: Paul Kirby doesn't like my Pirate world

lwhitehead said:
Oh sorry didn't know, yes it's hard to your work published, dispight that I know that saying over and over again stating my fact is sounding like a record being playing over and over again.

But I will prove to all of you my setting is worthy, because I believe in it.

I't's hard to keep you and GAN separate, since you're both expressing similar frustrations over the same thing.

But as a self-published author who has sold a decent number of books, I'm giving you honest and perhaps harsh advice from experience: Don't assume that just because YOU think your idea is worthy that publishers and artists and readers and critics will come running to your door, huge contracts and advances in hand. The onus is on YOU to write a book that readers will want to read. It doesn't have to be well written or have a particularly novel theme. Romance novels and the 50 Shades series have sold millions of copies and they're essentially garbage on paper. If you want to self-publish your own personal vision, go right ahead--it's up to you to use whatever means you can to get people to read and rate it. But first get the damn think written. NOTHING else--no boasts, no complaints, no "woe is me" posts--mean a single thing unless you've stepped up the plate and fully finished a work that is ready to be read, lionized, lambasted or ignored by the marketplace. Right now, the only obstacle keeping you from achieving your goal is YOU.


Re: Paul Kirby doesn't like my Pirate world

Ok I get it, your saying that I've be well known as an Writer before he look at my work. I get it,



Dec 7, 2010
Re: Paul Kirby doesn't like my Pirate world

lwhitehead said:
Ok I get it, your saying that I've be well known as an Writer before he look at my work. I get it,

See that you do. I have Asperger's Syndrome myself, and even I know that my writing still needs a lot of work. Spelling and grammar's okay, but I tend to have 'wall of dialogue' problems, as well as a beige prose infection. That's what I get for reading too many Doctor Who novelisations written by Terrance Dicks.

Would you like some advice? Read a lot, keep writing, and refine your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For example, your above post should read...

OK, I get it. You're saying that I have to be well known as a writer before he looks at my work. I get it.
I'm not saying you should stop writing. Keep going, but also improve your writing. And make sure that it hasn't been done before either.

If you like fantasy pirate stories, then I suggest reading, if you haven't already, On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers. Yes, that's the book that the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie was based (loosely) on, but it's a good book in its own right.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Re: Paul Kirby doesn't like my Pirate world

lwhitehead said:
Ok I get it, your saying that I've be well known as an Writer before he look at my work. I get it,

No, what I'm saying is don't let arbitrary self-delusions ("Paul Kidby isn't interested in my work") keep you from finishing and self-publishing your novel. Right now, with nothing finished or published, you're in absolutely no position to convince ANYONE to collaborate with you. At this point, you have no one to blame but yourself for your own lack of success. That's the first lesson all writers need to understand. NOTHING means ANYTHING until the work is done. Get it out there and let the marketplace decided if it's good or not. If praise rains upon it, the publishers will come running to you. If not, consider it a life lesson and gone on to the next one.


Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

The problem is that in the 17th century they measured coins by weight not face value, this hard to find out the spending power of these Pirate coins.

Were there any types of Copper Penny like coins in the 17th century ?,



Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

Yes but Port Lucre doesn't have a Mint, it's the largest Carolinus Colony in the Terra Firma Caribbean, The Castile Dollar known as piece of Eight, which along with the Gold Doubloon would be a very common coin in this Caribbean.



Dec 6, 2012
Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

can I please suggest that you can at least try to do your own research for at least part of your novel


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

You mean, you were were once interested in this at all? :rolleyes:

(Sorry if this sounds mean, but the OP seems to either incessantly ask people to do his work for him or complain that no one thinks his yet unwritten book is the greatest thing since the invention of beer.)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

Well I didn't mind too much, but every time anyone spends a bit of effort trying to help, we then get told that the information is useless because it doesn't work on the fantasy world in question. :hand:


Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

You have bin helpful, Tony but I get confused easy for example I didn't know about the 17th century English coins that you found for me,

Tony the point I was trying to make is exchange rate of the differant coins that would be afloat, they would have to weighed to find out how much Sliver and Gold each coin would have.

Also trying to figure out spending value of each nations coins as well, Pirates had to know what these coins were worth in places like Port Lucre.



Re: type of coins used in my Golden Age pirate world

I just solve one my coin problem, Bermuda minted there own version of the British coins, so Port Lucre can too they can take other nation coins melt them down into there own version of Hoggy coins.

Pennies of the 17th century were made out of Silver however, it's only much later in history that they were made out of brass.



Hi which is better for my Pirate fantasy world, a Humor laced setting like Discworld and Monkey Island series or Hard Fantasy historical setting like A Song of Ice and Fire,

Originally the idea was based on Discworld a Golden Age of Pirates set in 21th Century timeframe, but then I'm fan of A Song of Ice and Fire series.

So if I went the with second route for the setting that means I complete retooling of the setting and ideas,

So which is better?

Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
I always preferred humor myself. though you could say discworld IS hard fantasy, just one with humor in it.

and if it's humorous that can be serious, all the better. I think of things like Firefly for example. Hard scifi, but funny, and can be serious.
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Well what do you like whitehead? What are you more comfortable with writing? It's your book and we can't write it for you.
We can tell you what we like (I am a fan of ASOIAF too) but different people have different tastes.

It's your decision and you need to be comfortable with it


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Please Note:

I have merged four of the "Help With My Pirate Fiction" threads by lwhitehead together. There is no need for so many threads about the same topic and I would ask lwhitehead to stick to this one thread in future.

Note for new members and those members that have been away for a while. Please notice that this poster has been asking for advice now for several years, and yet it appears that they haven't actually started the book yet. I have pretty much given up on trying to give advice as, when it is given the original poster tend to say that it wouldn't work in his/her pirate book (which hasn't been written yet. So post advice by all means, but be aware that you may be wasting your time.

Tonyblack (Moderator)

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