Who is your favourite Who?

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Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:laugh: and the Face of Evil was Tom Baker as a simply humongous avatar for a mis-programmed and therefore evil computer- 8)

Yeah - Sarah Jane doubled up on the Pertwee/TBaker regneration and Tom's 1st episode was the first outing for those strange neckless egghead Aliens (Sontarans?) and a changeling android who'd been masquerading as Prince John? :rolleyes:
Dec 31, 2008
I grew up with Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker so thoes eare my top two (yes I knitted a scarf as well ;)) I wasnt too keen on any who followed but havent seen much of teh new ones.

I also liked William Hartnell and Pete Cushing. Patrcik Troughton was OK but not as good a steh other

I just set up my XBOX 360 so I can stream some of the Dr Who episodes on Netflix. The first two I set up were The Green Death and the Talons of Weng Chiang
I am obviously the baby of the forum, I was born during a Dr. Who, I think it was just towards the end of the Jon Pertwee time and the beginning of the Tom Baker.

Who I love? Well, Sylvestor McCoy. Sorry, peeps, but he was my childhood doctor and Ace was - well - Ace!

I don't remember any of the others as I have only seen one series of the old ones, and that I think was a Jon Pertwee time.

My memory of assistants are even vaguer, so I guess I have to say that so far, my favourite assistant is Rose. She was young, and there was great chemistry between her and the two Dr's she helped. Also, I happen to think that Billie Fox nee Piper (her other half is Lawerence Fox, part of the great acting Fox clan!), is a good actress. I like her! I could not stand Martha! She just made me yawn, in fact I kind of drifted away from her season, as I didn't like her. Then Donna Noble turned and sparked the show up again, which is odd, as I hate Catherine Tate as a comedienne.

But yes, my favourite Doctor is Sylvestor McCoy, and David Tennant. My favourite assistant is Rose, Ace, and Donna.

I do actually have the first of the Sarah Jane Adventures and they are pretty darn good imo. I think that once I get to see some of her as her assistant in old days I may form a better opinion but because the nasty bbc boss cut of Dr. Who then I can't say anything about any of the others and nasty BBC doesn't repeat them and I don't get sky and I can't afford the DVD's ... so frustrating!

So, I have to keep to my Sylvestor McCoy because he is the one of my childhood.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Interesting to have the opinion of someone who only saw the tail end of the first 7 TV docs Magrat (Pete Cushing and Paul McGann as the movie Who's don't really count IMHO).

All the Doctors have been good in their way - my interest waned a little after Tom Baker, but Sylvester McCoy gets a raw deal from veteran Who fans I think... He did a really great job in the role considering how the DG starved the show's budget which partially accounted for me bailing out on the programme when his first series began in an abandoned (real life) holiday camp and the whole thing had a rather worn out and lack-lustre atmos. Then he had a rather difficult teaming with Bonnie Langford as his assistant - not an easy thing to reconcile as she's a much better dancer than actress really, but boy can that woman scream! :eek: - for that alone she excelled all other Who assistants, but the rest of the time I expected her to start tap-dancing or go into pantomime mode... :twisted:

Ace was OK - I found her a little irritating at times but at least she was one of the more pro-active and self-reliant assistants like Leila. Sarah Jane was good too though a little wobbly when faced with the nastier baddies but I think they've done a terrific job of integrating her into the new era of shows and her own spin-off. David Tennant is going to leave some big shoes to fill but the writing team's now right into their stride and working wonders with the storylining - I love how they all now flow into each other and I thought the Martha series was actually pretty good and helped to show the Doctor in a different light. Not a fan of Ms Piper's at all in either of her careers - possibly because of the hair and especially the roots - but everything I've seen her in she's just been herself so far as I can see, so it was rather a relief to get rid of her and have the Doc look around himself a bit and stop mooning all over her. I can well see how Sara Jane got a little pissed with her when they met up :p

Anyway - long may the good Doc surf through time and space. It's great to see the BBC embrace him again and at last let the production budget match up to the acting and the especially the writing :laugh:


Feb 17, 2009
East Anglia
The first Doctor I saw was William Hartnell, but he was too strict and I didn't like him much.
The only Doctor that I couldn't stand to watch is Sylvester McCoy because he seemed to treat the Doctor as a joke.
He may well have taken him more seriously later on in the series, but by that time I had stopped watching.

I'm hard pushed to name a favourite as the others all brought something different to the role, but Patrick Troughhton was a welcome relief after William Hartnell, and Tom Baker was fun to watch. I also liked Colin Baker and was sorry to see him quit and the show axed.
However, Christopher Eccleston brought an edge that was refreshing to watch and David Tennant has been excellent.
I still think the episode that even as an adult made me feel uneasy was the one with the gas masks. It was nicely scary ... 'Are you my Mummy'?
Dec 15, 2008
I just watched my first 4 Who episodes ever last weekend, so I guess my favourite is David Tennant. :) (But the blond girl was horrible)
Thought the series was...well, fun but rather odd. Why is he flying around saving human kind? Was he born to do that or did he just make a career of it?
Had no idea the show had been on the telly for years and years and years though.
Oct 13, 2008
I watched the Dr Who that was on over Easter. OH was very scathing about it, but I love David Tennant :oops: ((swoon)) :laugh:

I agree about that one too, Batty, 'Are you my Mummy' was very scary.

I've watched Dr Who for years, since the very first episode with William Hartnell. The old episodes look so dated now, but in those days they were the bees knees of technology :laugh:

I think the reason he was doing what he does is lost in time now, I can't remember why, though I do remember Gallifrey, his planet was distroyed.
May 10, 2009
it was Sylevester McCoy when i was growing up and it was enough to put me off for a time lol. I do like the new ones but i love torchwood more


Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
the old cybermen were hysterical, in one episode they were walking down steps in london by st pauls and you could see that they all had dr marten boots on obviously sprayed silver. my stepsons friend designed the new cyber heads :)

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