Who is your favourite Who?

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I will still say that Sylvestor McCoy is the best. Rather absent minded and sweet. I've met him too and he is a jolly nice chap!

Episodes that freaked me out:
The Wire - The one set in the fifties at the coronation that sucked off faces of the watchers...
Fear Her - Where the lonely girl is possessed by an alien and draws real people into another dimension causing them to disappear.
Blink - Very scary glad I watched it with my dad.
Turn Left - Donna is persuaded to change direction and changing future history ... the Doctor dies ... FOR GOOD!

I didn't particularly find The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances episodes very scary. Maybe because it had a happy ending!

Marc Warren was in a Dr. Who but it's one I just don't watch as it's very silly and not the best one in the recent offerings.

Though I liked Christopher Eccleston I didn't feel that he liked the role and that was confirmed by his own lips that he never was that bothered about Dr Who as a child that he only did it as a favour to RTD!

And I have a poster on my wall with all the Dr's and it counts Paul McGann as a Dr. So do I ... even if the film was a bit useless.

I am very much looking forward to Matt Smith as his costume bears some of the eccentricities of the past - I felt the last two outfits were far too safe!

Oh and the Weeping Angels are going to return in the next series.


Feb 19, 2010
I am much to young to be part of the generation that watched the classic series in its prime,although i much prefer it to the newer ones.One of my earliest memories is of a doctor who exibition which my dad took me to,all i remember is a dalek which you made move by pressing a button but i think it impressed something on my mind.

Peter davidson is the first doctor I saw and possibly my favourite,i started watching the series at about six in the morning on uktv gold.When the series was revived with eccleston people were slightly freaked out about my knowlege of a series that in their mind had run for 'one' episode.After the first RTD dalek episode i got very annoyed when someone said "did you see that one with the thing in the robot!" in responce to this i started talking at length about the history of the daleks and blew their mind out :eek:

I think my least favourite portrayal of the doctor are the peter cushing movies,the first one wasnt so bad but in the second one the effects were poor even by doctor who standards.


Dec 29, 2009
This is one of my Dr. Who scary moments (sort of).

When I was very young, probably about 7 or 8 years old, my parents took me to the waxworks museum in Brighton (long since closed). This was shortly after the Auton episodes had been shown (great idea :rolleyes: , NOT). I can clearly remember looking at what I thought was a wax model of an old lady sitting on a chair until she stood up and started walking towards us. I was absolutely terrified and there was definitely lots of screaming and crying involved. From that point onwards Dr Who was banned until I was older!


Jan 23, 2010
Forest of Dean
That reminds me of the opening story of the new generation DW with the shop dummies. As my son's first foray into Who (apart from a Peter Cushing film when he was three!) it led to some very traumatic shopping trips for a while :laugh:
lol .. I am reading a book called Inside The TARDIS - Right from the word go parents complained about how scary Dr Who was and that it should not be shown to 'young, impressionable children.'
Though some said that they should not dare to change the way Dr Who is as their kids love it... and Dalekmania was quite prominent in the sixties. In Argos they sell a Dalek Toothbrush ... I am so tempted ... It's official ... I AM A GEEK!!!!!

Also Matt Smith say's in DWM that he is basing his performance on Patrick Troughton - so that should be fun .. I want to have some of his Dr on DVD....
Sorry to disappoint you Tony but there is going to be romance between these two. I like the romantic bits - I am glad they are doing that. It's what turns me off sci-fi normally ... either there is too little romance or, in the case of early Star Trek, TOO MUCH ...

Just remember Stephen Moffat was the one responsible for The Girl In The Fireplace ... episode ... (did not like that romance because I felt he was cheating on Rose in a way ...)

Anyway ... can't wait!

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