Favourite character?

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Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
bikkit said:
Yeah, It is Lobsang.

Did anyone else spot the pun at the end "even with nougat, you can have a perfect moment"

Remember what Lobsang was called before he was a monk? Newgate
I'd never thought of that as the pun. I thought it was the pun was fact that he was named after a famous prison by the Thieves' Guild. :)
Whoo! I finally bought Theif of Time (I shouldn't be allowed to go to malls. :() and now I can read about SusanxLobsang.
I hope it's good. ^___^

My fav characters and Will and Moist, and it's sad that Will isn't showing up much except for cameos.
I orded Making Money, only the site says that it'll take a month to arrive in the mailbox.
Darn international distributors. :devil:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Jane said:
Whoo! I finally bought Theif of Time (I shouldn't be allowed to go to malls. :() and now I can read about SusanxLobsang.
I hope it's good. ^___^

My fav characters and Will and Moist, and it's sad that Will isn't showing up much except for cameos.
I orded Making Money, only the site says that it'll take a month to arrive in the mailbox.
Darn international distributors. :devil:
In September in Melbourne there is the World Science Fiction convention which will have a big dealers book room there you would find all the Discworld stuff you want probably, I would have been there but a Country and house move makes it too expensive for this year,you can buy a day membership pass which lets you into anything else there. AUSSIECON 4
68th World Science Fiction Convention
September 2nd - 6th, 2010 - Melbourne, Australia http://www.aussiecon4.org.au
It's in Melbourne...That's like 6 or 8 hours' drive away - I can't remember which - and I also have to go to school. :(

Entry is $50 for one day, and if I bought a train ticket there, I'd pretty much be broke.

Teenage wangst, right?
I have no job, no driver's license, touchable savings account, etc.
:p The con sounds very interesting, and I might go...one day.
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Parents are they readers, it's a literary event they may give you the money to travel etc if you ask ,and the last time it was held there was approx. ten years a go and it is open on the weekend, you may get it cheaper as a student. :)
My parents aren't readers. I don't think they get Terry humor.
They (especially my dad) don't approve of fiction in general because they think it's a waste of time and money.
I'm much better off studying. o_O

I want to go - it sounds really fun, but I'm not an adult, and I'd probably need a chaperone to travel all the way to Melbourne and back. My adult older sister thinks Discworld is dumb (she saw me reading one with the Josh Kirby cover and said "That looks like a cheap fantasy novel.")
Blah, I hope they have another con one day. :(
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Melbourne have one every year,but not world ones it's just they won the bid to hold it there and they would be surprised at how there are some literary giants attend famous people even Nasa usually attend to give talks at the World Cons.

And there have been Aussie Discworld cons as well I believe there is one sometime this year. And a survey done revealed that people who read in our genre tend to be more intelligent than other types of readers. 8) :)

Here you are your very own Disworld Con.

Nullus Anxietas III - The Australian Discworld Convention 2011
When: 08/04/11 ‐ 10/04/11
Where: Penrith Panthers, Penrith, NSW
I've never been to a convention before, but I expect that the demographics will depend on target audience. Like a Twilight con with lots of young girls. (Wow, Twilight gets dragged into everything, eh?)

It's just that the only real life person I know who reads and enjoys Discworld is a 40 year old science teacher.
:) Well, it's next year, so I have some time before I have to make a decision.

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