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Feb 17, 2009
East Anglia
One of the male nurses who sticks the needle in to your arm at the blood donor sessions, told my sister that he saw Griff Rhys Jones jump the queue in a shop.
GRJ just walked straight to the front of the queue and expected to be served straight away.

My sister has also seen John Sessions acting like a prat in the taxi rank queue at Waterloo Station. He was picking up the suitcases of the people in the queue and just walking backwards and forwards with them. He obviously wanted to be noticed.

baruch menachem

Mar 26, 2009
I am a big fan of Moist von Lipwig. I want to see what he does with the tax code.

Vetinari doing the grand sneer would be fun too.

I like how Carrot and Angua get along. I am die-for-the-shipper type for those two.

I liked Terry's Hemmingway parody when she seduces him in men at arms. It still gives me giggles.
Mar 5, 2009
i would love to see carrot and angua get married, lots more of vetinari and agreeing with an earlier post a meeting between vimes and granny weatherwax, maybe vimes could go to lancre as an ambassador and takes the watch with him, (i reckon that nann ogg would love nobby :twisted: ) well thats my view


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
lance-constable rose said:
i would love to see carrot and angua get married, lots more of vetinari and agreeing with an earlier post a meeting between vimes and granny weatherwax, maybe vimes could go to lancre as an ambassador and takes the watch with him, (i reckon that nann ogg would love nobby :twisted: ) well thats my view
:laugh: I'm sure Nanny and Nobby would get along like a maison a flambe! :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Juan José said:
I would like to know more about Esk...
Unfortunately we don't know anything else about about Esk as she isn't in any other books - at least yet! I have heard that Terry has said that she (Esk) will be in the next Tiffany Aching book - whenever that is. :laugh:


Apr 26, 2009
I'd love to see a book where the MAIN main character was a vampire. Preferably male - I'd love to see Terry's take on the whole sort of story of Dracula, from said vampire's perpective. I say preferably male because I tend to read the speaking parts in books out loud, but being a male myself I cannot in good conscience read the female parts - it wouldn't do them justice. So hence imagine my crushing disappointment when I found out that [just in case - SPOILER] Maladict was a girl!
And yes, I know that there were important vampire characters in Carpe Jugulum, but from what I've heard they weren't the head characters of the storyline, or half as likable as Maladict or Otto. I shall see. Perhaps the reason they haven't been incredibly central is because it's hard to write vampire jokes. :)

Wow, that was a long first post. Anyway, just a suggestion, and I'm happy to be a part of these forums! See y'all later. :laugh:


Apr 26, 2009
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome! (I don't tend to expect such things in forums :p )

Luckily, I shall be aquiring Carpe Jugulum from my local library - hopefully tomorrow. It'll be my first read of a Discnovel featuring the Witches! Then I'll probably get back to Soul Music. Straight after I've finished Monstrous Regiment. :rolleyes:

Speaking of which, In case you REALLY needed to know, my avatar is a pic of Maladict grabbing Polly by the lapels and yelling "If I don't get some coffee soon I'm gonna kill someone!!" from the talented deviantartist and fellow Discworld fan bonnieslashfiend - its called Mal Addicted. Just wanted to give credit where credit is due and explain what the teeny image meant ;)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Very cool picture! And you're going to love Carpe Jugulum if you like vampires. ;) Most of Terry's vamps are reformed ones, but the ones in CJ are far from it.


Apr 26, 2009
Who's Wee Dug said:
Tonyblack said:
Batty said:
chris.ph said:
welcome to the site ace trilby :)
and vampire jokes are a pain in the neck :laugh: :laugh:
somebody was going to do the joke ;)
... As long as the joke isn't in vein...

Bloody hell you two! :rolleyes: ;)
That's right go for the Jugular :)
This is no time for fighting - I think we all need to take a coffin break. :p

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