Favourite character?

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moo said:
I came across this thread and was shocked that i seemed to be the only person to pick Brutha (from small gods) as my favourite character for reasons best known to someone else. A close second was Vetenari. Other characters of note that I feel have been overlooked are Windle Poons, the bursar, stanley howler and King Verence II of Lancre (maybe because he just changed the side of the door he slept on, when he became King)
I like all those too but not top and Stanley only really appears in one ... as well as Brutha - I personally would love to see Brutha again in another book to do with Lu Tze ...

Lu Tze - I love him!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
moo said:
I came across this thread and was shocked that i seemed to be the only person to pick Brutha (from small gods) as my favourite character for reasons best known to someone else. A close second was Vetenari. Other characters of note that I feel have been overlooked are Windle Poons, the bursar, stanley howler and King Verence II of Lancre (maybe because he just changed the side of the door he slept on, when he became King)
Brutha is great - as is the book. Welcome to the forum! :laugh:


Jun 3, 2009
I may have answered this already, but it's Moist (stupid name though) for me.

I think this line sums it up best for me:

Making Money said:
And what had [Moist] wanted? He'd never sat down to think about it. But mostly, he wanted tomorrow to be different from today.
That's pretty much my life philosophy! :p


Oct 4, 2009
Hampshire, England
Choosing only one favourite may well be impossible for me :laugh: It depends what I'm in the mood for really, but top of the list is probably Rincewind :laugh: I'm also very fond of Ponder Stibbons, Death, Vetinari and Vimes though! Oooh, and Teppic as well, although that might be because he reminds me of Rincewind and I like Egyptology!


Nov 14, 2009
North East England
I'm liking Glenda in Unseen Academicals........she seems to have had the kind of post-Victorian upbringing that I had. Also love Rincewind for opposite reasons.......he's choatic and instinctive with no discipline, only his wits to rely upon. Lady Sybil is my favourite of all though. Kindness and humanity personified.......an absolute treasure.


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
United Kingdom
Hello all, new to the site. I scanned through the pages so far, but thought I'd add my piece.

I'd have to go for Vetinari as my favorite character (an opinion which is supported by my (nearly) father-in-law). Briefly, I love the fact he knows he's a tyrant, but he knows it's the only way to control a city like Ankh-Morpork. I also love the fact that he's always one step ahead of any challenge to him or the city. Finally, I like the fact he has a 'human' side, and still has time for 'Wuffles' *sob*.




Nov 19, 2009
Vetinari - for being what I would expect from a real politician..

.. and Rincewind, as the "eternal coward", but at the same time an example of necessary heroism if there's no way to run.

Although, if by chance or celestial interference or a malfunction in L-Space I would take the place of a character on the DW, I hope I'd come up as the Librarian. Ook!
Oct 10, 2009
Dandelion said:
Vetinari - for being what I would expect from a real politician..

.. and Rincewind, as the "eternal coward", but at the same time an example of necessary heroism if there's no way to run.

Although, if by chance or celestial interference or a malfunction in L-Space I would take the place of a character on the DW, I hope I'd come up as the Librarian. Ook!
Good choices! I like Vetinari too, but it's only a dream to expect such interest and care in the city in a "real" politician o_O

And wise choice of being the Librarian, since it seems to me he's the one who is truly happy and often the only one who understands what's really going on...

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