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Oct 13, 2008
Who's Wee Dug said:
So looking forward to the next Tiffany book coming out,then probably sad it's the last one BooHoo :laugh: :cry:
Me as well, I think she's a lovely character. :laugh: Sad though if what you say is true :(


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Tiffany said:
Who's Wee Dug said:
So looking forward to the next Tiffany book coming out,then probably sad it's the last one BooHoo :laugh: :cry:
Me as well, I think she's a lovely character. :laugh: Sad though if what you say is true :(
Terry did an interview on Second Life where he suggested that Esk (from Equal Rites) would be making an appearence in the next Tiffany book. :)
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
I would like to see more of the Watch,Fred Nobby and Co.
Carrot and Angua get married and raise puppies.
The return of Cohen the Barbarian and the Silver Hoard after they escaped the blast by nicking the Maidens Horse.....and expansion into space and a base set up on the moon with letters collected by the Post Office on a daily basis........ and a new book with DEATH as the main player.

Not a lot to ask, in fact I may just write a short story on one of these ideas my self! ;)

PS And a Book with the librarian lost in the library and trying to find His way back, a bit like a Lost in Space series, but in Book Form............


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Spoiler for The Last Hero and the fate of the Silver Hoarde - if you haven't read it, then don't click three times on the box below. :)

Secret Spoiler said:
The Silver Hoarde died. What they didn't do was go to the feasting hall the maidens were taking them to to spend the rest of eternity. Instead they stole the horses which are a bit like Binky in that they can exist in the dimentions of death. At least that was my reading of it. The only way the Hoarde could return would be as ghosts.


Jul 26, 2008
I have to admit to a liking of the watch stories and would like to see a progression of the watch and perhaps the underworld with Crysopraise and dibbler in the background.


Jan 23, 2009
Cornwall, UK
I often wonder how many more books we'll get the chance to read but I'd love to find closure within the Tiffany Aching story arc, Carrot and Angua to finally marry, Nobby to find his soul mate (!) and perhaps Rincewind too (but that would involve potatoes obviously)...
Sir Terry takes us along for such a ride with such narratively satisfying results (Vimes birth of his son for example), I've often thought how fitting it would be to release one final book that perhaps unites all the major DW characters..some global (discal?) catastrophe like global warming or the credit crunch perhaps. Now that would be satisfying! :)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Hmmm... on the idea of a disc-wide catastrophe we have of course already had one in The Light Fantastic with Great A'tuin's trekking back to the cosmic 'birthing beach' to make sure the bairns got off to a proper start...? :twisted:

Do you see where I'm going with this? Perhaps it's time that a young(ish) Astral Chelonian's thoughts could turn to spring and getting jiggy again...? :p So we come at this from the other and potentially more earth-moving and shaking perspective (ever seen giant tortoises going at it? :laugh: )
Which perhaps could combine with someone suitable (CMOT perhaps as he's long overdue another leading role) setting up a lonely hearts agency - maybe with Mrs. Palm... 8) - so lurve is in the air all over? :twisted:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
When Rincewind and Twoflower were at the Rim they looked down and saw areas where marooned seamen were apparently living. It would be nice to find out more about them. :)


New Member
Feb 14, 2009
Cornwall UK
Someone (Cutflower, sponsored by CMOT) should open an Agatean restaurant in Ankh-Morpork called either 'Noodle in a Haystack' or 'Have I Got Noodles For You.' Chop Suey inna bun?

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