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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Thordoc said:
there are a few of fave moments.

the bit in feet of clay where Fred bounces off the cow, onto the sheep and then onto the chicken which went mad. and in the same book when he meets up with Mister Vimes and he ducks into a doorway and then promptly ducks straight back out again.

and feet of clay again, when Mister Vimes was chasing the golem when he slips over, stands up, slips over again, stands up again and then falls down for the thrid time and decides to accept the majority vote and stay down

lords and ladies when the faculty (or part of it) meet Casaunder for the first time.

been an australian i really enjoyed pretty much every bit of the last continent that had to do with rincewind (TP really nailed the attitude of 'no worries')

and as mentioned above, where do you stop :laugh:
Where do you start?
Impossible to post on this thread... if I tried to look up a quote I would read the book again..... it happens.

The nic seeeeeems familiar but if I haven't said hello then ... WELCOME! and if i have already said welcome then ignore me.... most everyone does. (I'm an aussie too)


Nov 1, 2010
The nic seeeeeems familiar but if I haven't said hello then ... WELCOME! and if i have already said welcome then ignore me.... most everyone does. (I'm an aussie too)
thanks deldaisy, i'm mostly a lurker so don't or prolly won't have a large post quota

back on topic slightly

pyramids when they are just entering the turtle shooting zone, and this little turtle is making a break for freedom. I'm always cheering that little guy on


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Thordoc said:
The nic seeeeeems familiar but if I haven't said hello then ... WELCOME! and if i have already said welcome then ignore me.... most everyone does. (I'm an aussie too)
thanks deldaisy, i'm mostly a lurker so don't or prolly won't have a large post quota

back on topic slightly

pyramids when they are just entering the turtle shooting zone, and this little turtle is making a break for freedom. I'm always cheering that little guy on
Hi Thordoc! :p

And may I say what an excellent choice of quotes from what is probably TP's finest book. 8)


Sep 3, 2010
poohcarrot said:
Thordoc said:
The nic seeeeeems familiar but if I haven't said hello then ... WELCOME! and if i have already said welcome then ignore me.... most everyone does. (I'm an aussie too)
thanks deldaisy, i'm mostly a lurker so don't or prolly won't have a large post quota

back on topic slightly

pyramids when they are just entering the turtle shooting zone, and this little turtle is making a break for freedom. I'm always cheering that little guy on
Hi Thordoc! :p

And may I say what an excellent choice of quotes from what is probably TP's finest book. 8)

It would be his finest book if a certain set of circumstances existed as in he didn't write any other books at all . :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
pip said:
Quatermass said:
pip said:
poohcarrot said:
Ignore him Thordoc, he's insane. :laugh:
No, the world is insane and i'm the only sane one in it. 8)
I'm a madman, but a very self-aware one. Thus, I seem and act sane. Most of the time.
Well some of the time anyway.

But god Om help anyone who loses track of a thread. :laugh:
I couldn't care less if they lost track of someone else's posts, but if mine are involved...well, let's just say that my jaw unhinges when I am angry.


Nov 1, 2010
Hi Thordoc!

And may I say what an excellent choice of quotes from what is probably TP's finest book.
why thankee Pooh. mind you pryamids isn't my fave book, but as a mostly stand alone book it's hilarious. I'm a huge fan of the city watch books, in particular sam vimes....however I believe that discussion is in another thread somewhere in this vast L-Space

Ignore him Thordoc, he's insane.
who's to say that I'm sane??? :eek: nah just kidding I have a certificate somewhere that says I am.....at least that's what I think Agi said it was.

back on topic again

wee free men when the Nac Mac Feegle are in the doll house and find the red coats (sojers, :laugh: ) and the bear, then the fighting starts
"ach I kicked meself in my own heid"

Daft Wullie and Big Yan, 2 of the best feegles

and in hat full of sky dressed up as the man, with the talking knees and such, hilarious laugh till it hurts stuff that
Jan 12, 2011
I can only quote a few from some,as I havent read all of them yet-shame on me,I know-but I have only started a few years ago and I cant go out in cold blood and just buy the lot...I have to wait till the local library gets them in English.Plus,I wouldnt know where to stop,as lots of people before me have mentioned.
A scene in one of the Vimes Books where Detritus says "Captain Carrot said there´s some Good buried in everybody" and Vimes asks if he´s doing the drill and Detritus says no,he´s the deep mining expert.
(Know the feeling.)

The scene in the Fifth Continent where Death asks for information on the dangerous creatures in Fourecks.

The scene where Susan is teacher and has this trying scholar who desperately wants to break into the cupboard and she tells him under which circumstances he is not allowed to open said cupboard.
(Boy,been there,bought the ticket.Several times.Just with different names and different cupboards) :rolleyes:

Same book,where she explains that kids can do algebra if you dont tell them beforehand that they can´t.(My kids go to Montessori school and it really works.Had I not read TP,I wouldnt have known.See?)

Andy M

New Member
Nov 21, 2009
I like the end part of Feet of Clay, where Vimes & Dorfl are confronted by the priests . . . so well written you can almost hear the characters voices in your mind as you read

. . . Vimes had a feeling about the immediate future and took a few steps away from Dorfl.
'But the gods plainly do exist,' said a priest.
'It Is Not Evident.'
A bolt of lightning lanced through the clouds and hit Dorfl's helmet. There was a sheet of flame
and then a trickling noise. Dorfl's molten armour formed puddles around his white-hot feet.
'I Don't Call That Much Of An Argument,' said Dorfl calmly, from somewhere in the clouds of
'It's tended to carry the audience,' said Vimes. 'Up until now.'
The Chief Priest of Blind lo turned to the other priests. 'All right, you fellows, there's no need for
any of that—'
'But Offler is a vengeful god,' said a priest at the back of the crowd.
'Trigger-happy is what he is,' said Ridcully..."


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
Ahh, it's one of those cruel questions along the lines of "which of your children do you love most" asked to a parent with double digit progeny count, eh?

If I was to pat one on it's small, adorable head, I'd pick the one where Nobby explains to Cuddy what everyone knows about dwarfs.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Andy, I like that scene too but I think I like even better the bit that either comes before it or after it when one priest suggests that Dorfl be ground to atoms to see whether he has a soul or not, and Dorfl agrees to this--provided they do the same thing to one of the priests. After all, fair is fair!



Jan 19, 2011
My absolute favourite scene is end of Guards! Guards! where Vimes calls on Lady Sybil. The dialogue is so touching.

The scenes involving Gladys the Golem in 'Making Money' always struck me as very funny too. I love the literature she is given by Adora Bella.


Jan 25, 2011
I like all the scenes between angua and carrot.

The one in carrots bedroom when gaspode says Kiss her!!. wow

and when Carrot call sargent Colon while was grabbing her arm to explain her who were the women in list (widows and orphans) She was so embarrased!

In fith elefant after get buried Gavin. she ask him to kill her if she becomes evil. and after that when the wolves try to kill Angua and Carrot saves her. Just like Gavin did!!

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