Black Covers (Sorry if this has already been done!)

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It would be good if Transworld would sort it so they could produce it in Black and the same with the Last Hero as it would look sweat to have them all in the same cover. :)
Jan 24, 2012
I only discovered Pratchett novels and the Discworld a few months ago...
I'm about half way through and collecting the black covers, you've answered my Eric question, it was driving me mad that I could find it black cover in audio but not paperback :devil: . I bought the Gollancz top ten collection from the BookPeople in the end.
Does anyone know when the black cover of Snuff is out?
P.S. I've never joined a forum before, so feel free to give me guidance!
Jan 24, 2012
Hi :) I've just emailed Transworld to see if I can get any sense out of them. I'm being really fussy and just getting the black covers... I asked them about The Last Hero too, cos I figure if Gollancz can do an unillustrated version of Eric then why can't transworld do one of The Last Hero??.. Hum de hum, time will tell.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Welcome to the site, moreteaplease! :laugh:

Transworld is your best bet for the answer I think. Let us know what they say.

We were all new to forums once and we like to think this one is more newbie friendly than some. If in doubt - ask. ;)


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
Have read all the posts on this thread, just wondering if anyone
else noticed that the Discworld series novels slated as
"for young readers" in the black cover editions are missing
the edition numbers on the back covers?

For example "The Amazing Maurice..." in the black cover edition
has no number 28 on the back cover, and "A Hat Full of Sky"
missing number 32, while all the other "black covers"
that I own clearly have the numbers in the
bottom left or bottom right corner of the back cover.

Does anyone know why that is?

Also, as for why anyone would like the black covers, the black covers were
the only ones available in the local bookshop when I started reading them,
now there are other styles of covers, but I like keeping them the same :)

(I must admit to having doubles in other covers though)


I recently asked Colin about the Eric issue and this is the reply I got:

Eric was contracted as an illustrated book, and Gollancz had all the rights, as indeed they had for 17 other titles. They chose not to license pbk rights to Corgi but keep them for themselves. Or it may be that Corgi were offered the unillustrated rights and chose at the time not to make an offer. I do not think I was informed in the decision - certainly not in the discussions between the publishers, though something must have been agreed to incorporate the 'in association with Corgi Books' on the back of the title - meant nothing, as far as I know. Just words. It is most unlikely there will be a black/gold edition from Gollancz


New Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm new to the forum (actually only found out about it today!). Was browsing around for some information about the black cover books that I'm still missing (or rather my boyfriend is and as he is a huge fan, I plan to give him the missing ones for his birthday). While browsing, I've seen a few questions about the numbers on the back of the books. If I remember correctly, the black covers came out as a 25 year Discworld anniversary kind of special edition. It's taken them a long time to publish the remaining books in the black covers after the 25 year anniversary so maybe that has something to do with it? That's my 2 cents anyway :)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
elcome from me too! :)

I think you are right about it orginally being a 25 anniversary thing, but it was a very popular series and therefore has become a normal format now. :)
Apr 24, 2012
Hi I'm new to the forums and the novels but I have started my collection with the black covers without realising that Eric and the Last Hero were unavailable. I just thought I'd let you know that I have emailed Orion (new owners of Gollancz) to see if they have any plans on printing the books with covers to match at any point and I will put the reply up when it arrives here so you can know whats going on.

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