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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Noooooooooooooooo! I have so many I want to contribute to these kind of forums. "Your favourite scene" "Your favourite quote"... Yes I have favourites but I know you lot! The quote would have to perfect or it would be pick pick pick (I know I would); but to make sure they are perfectly worded and correct I would have to get the books down and go through them to find the quote and THEN well I would end up rereading the whole book; and right now I don't have time to reread every Discworld book (this damn site has kept me out of my bed long enough as it is!).

Oh okay... talking about Pick Pick Pick... there is one scene in Lords and Ladies where TP is describing how seriously (Insert name here) takes his duties as a palace guard.. and how he intently picks one nostril then spends equal time and vigilance cleaning out the other nostril. (See what I mean? Dammit! Now I just know I will going through Lords and Ladies at 4am to find that scene. Damn you all!!!!! Damn you Terry Pratchett!!!!! Arrrrgh! :devil:
Jan 1, 2010
deldaisy said:
Noooooooooooooooo! I have so many I want to contribute to these kind of forums. "Your favourite scene" "Your favourite quote"... Yes I have favourites but I know you lot! The quote would have to perfect or it would be pick pick pick (I know I would);
None of us on here would do that, 'specially if you make it clear you're not quoting it perfectly just telling us which scene you like - like the guard picking his nose.

Of course someone might be bored enough to copy out the whole scene for you - in pity for someone who is denied a constant fix of Terry's work :)
Jan 1, 2010
That would be the bit where he actually says:
" I am the supreme being because I wrestle bears in my sleep and from now on I will dine only on salmon eggs" right?
Aug 12, 2010
New fave scene in thud !!

"Mister vimes has sent for another squad from home" Said Fred Colon, shifting from one foot to the other. It had seemed quite warm when you first came into the cave, But after a while the clamminess could get a man down.
He reflected that Nobby wasn't affected by this, being blessed by nature with natural clammy.
"it's starting to give me the creeps, sarge" Said Nobby, indicating the kings. "if that hand moves I'm going to scream."

I know how that feels "the doll waved at me I swear it" :laugh:
Aug 12, 2010
got to be at the moment :laugh:
the wee free men

"Ach, she's a bit on the big side, no offence to her"

"Aye, but a kelda has to be big, ye ken, to have lots of wee babbies"

"Aye,fair enough,big wimmin is a' very well,but if a laddie was to try tae cuddle this one he'd had tae leave a chalk mark to show where he left off yesterday"

"An' she's a bit young"

"She neednae have any babbies yet, then. or mebbe not too many at a time, say. nae more than ten mebbe"

"Crivens ,lads, what're ye talkin' aboout?"Tis Rob Anybody she'll choose anyway. ye can see the big man's poor wee knees knocking fra' here"



Mar 12, 2010
Men at Arms!

When they find the weapons cache and Nobby grabs as much as he can, Detritus gets his seige bow for the first time, and then Nobby with his "ball wiv spikes on the end" and spins it and can't stop cracks me up every time!


New Member
Nov 11, 2010
"Small Gods" when Om says "Let there be lettuce" and Brutha thinks to himself "And lo, there was lettuce" as he drops a piece onto the turtle in his bag.

"Pyramids" when Ptracy is described as being naked to the point of being little more than animate furniture, when she is described as using scent as "a battering ram" and when all the ancestors wander out of their pyramids and form a line to help flare the cone on the massive pyramid.

Also that camel was hilarious.
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
chuffed said:
Men at Arms!

When they find the weapons cache and Nobby grabs as much as he can, Detritus gets his seige bow for the first time, and then Nobby with his "ball wiv spikes on the end" and spins it and can't stop cracks me up every time!
Yeah that cracks me up too "Freeeeed!! Heeeellllpppp!!" (or words to that effect}

Oh and the line "What duck?"

Oh and I forget what book but Foul Ol' Ron leaves Vetinari's office and a few minutes later Vetinari looks up and says something that makes Foul Ol' Ron's smell leave too...

oh and... where do you stop?
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
ghostsecurity28 said:
got to be at the moment :laugh:
the wee free men

"Ach, she's a bit on the big side, no offence to her"

"Aye, but a kelda has to be big, ye ken, to have lots of wee babbies"

"Aye,fair enough,big wimmin is a' very well,but if a laddie was to try tae cuddle this one he'd had tae leave a chalk mark to show where he left off yesterday"

"An' she's a bit young"

"She neednae have any babbies yet, then. or mebbe not too many at a time, say. nae more than ten mebbe"

"Crivens ,lads, what're ye talkin' aboout?"Tis Rob Anybody she'll choose anyway. ye can see the big man's poor wee knees knocking fra' here"

One of my favorite books :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
Oh, so many, but a few spring to mind:

1. Guards! Guards!: Vetinari lectures Vimes on the nature of evil, only to have Vimes refute it. Both equally valid viewpoints. Plus, the rather meagre rewards.

2. Unseen Academicals: Vetinari's speech about evil (again) and his conclusions on how one should act.

3. Small Gods: Vorbis' comeuppance, and Brutha's death and afterlife.

4. Reaper Man: Quite a few, like Death being told off by Miss Flitworth and being compelled to rescue the girl, the whole final fight, and Death asking Azrael "WHAT OF THE HARVEST, IF NOT FOR THE CARE OF THE REAPER MAN?"

5. Thief of Time: Just about every scene after time stops.

I'll be back when I think of more.


Nov 1, 2010
there are a few of fave moments.

the bit in feet of clay where Fred bounces off the cow, onto the sheep and then onto the chicken which went mad. and in the same book when he meets up with Mister Vimes and he ducks into a doorway and then promptly ducks straight back out again.

and feet of clay again, when Mister Vimes was chasing the golem when he slips over, stands up, slips over again, stands up again and then falls down for the thrid time and decides to accept the majority vote and stay down

lords and ladies when the faculty (or part of it) meet Casaunder for the first time.

been an australian i really enjoyed pretty much every bit of the last continent that had to do with rincewind (TP really nailed the attitude of 'no worries')

and as mentioned above, where do you stop :laugh:

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